由世紀互聯運營的微軟 Dynamics 的生命周期服務(“LCS”)綜合條款


由世紀互聯運營的微軟 Dynamics 的生命周期服務(“LCS”)綜合條款


微軟 Dynamics 的生命周期服務(“LCS”)由北京世紀互聯寬帶數據中心有限公司(“世紀互聯”)的全資子公司上(shàng)上海金木魚網絡科技有限公司運營,該服務是基于微軟技術的雲服務,但(dàn)由世紀互聯通過位于中華人民共和(hé)國境内(不包括香港和(hé)澳門(mén)特别行政區(qū)及台灣,以下(xià)簡稱“中國”)的數據中心負責運營。

你(nǐ)可以在任何特定時(shí)間以渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴或客戶的角色訪問 LCS。你(nǐ)可以擁有多個角色,從(cóng)而可以通過不同的方式使用(yòng) LCS,但(dàn)每次隻能(néng)以一個角色訪問 LCS。當你(nǐ)作(zuò)爲渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴訪問 LCS 時(shí),适用(yòng)的使用(yòng)條款位于此處。當你(nǐ)作(zuò)爲客戶訪問 LCS 時(shí),适用(yòng)的使用(yòng)條款位于此處。定義如本段所述:(A) 當你(nǐ)購買 Dynamics 軟件的許可證或訂閱,并通過訪問 LCS 來(lái)爲你(nǐ)的組織管理(lǐ)此軟件的實施工(gōng)作(zuò)時(shí),你(nǐ)是“客戶”; (B) 當你(nǐ)訪問 LCS 以創建 Dynamics 軟件的解決方案并将其提供給客戶,在你(nǐ)的 Microsoft Azure 訂閱中或在你(nǐ)的本地服務器上(shàng)部署和(hé)管理(lǐ) Dynamics 軟件,協助客戶實施 Dynamics 軟件,或者執行任意上(shàng)述活動時(shí),你(nǐ)是“渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴”。

這(zhè)些(xiē)綜合條款包括:• 渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴條款 • 客戶條款。



由世紀互聯運營的微軟 Dynamics 的生命周期服務(LCS


最後修訂時(shí)間:2019 年 4 月

本在線服務協議(yì)(“協議(yì)”)是渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴(在第 1 條中定義)與北京世紀互聯寬帶數據中心有限公司(“世紀互聯”)的全資子公司上(shàng)上海金木魚網絡科技有限公司簽訂的合同。通過在在線服務(在第 1 條中定義)的用(yòng)戶界面中表明(míng)接受條款或通過注冊、激活或使用(yòng)在線服務,你(nǐ)(代表渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴接受本協議(yì)的個人)代表渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴簽訂本協議(yì),并且你(nǐ)聲明(míng)并擔保你(nǐ)有權簽訂本協議(yì)并使渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴受其約束。通過注冊、激活或使用(yòng)在線服務,表明(míng)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴承認接受本協議(yì)。如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不同意本協議(yì),則不得使用(yòng)在線服務。無論何時(shí)訪問或使用(yòng)在線服務,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴都将遵守本協議(yì)。

1 定義

關聯公司”指擁有一方、被一方擁有或與一方共同由他(tā)方擁有的任何法律實體。就本定義而言,“所有權”是指控制超過 50% 的權益。


渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴”指符合以下(xià)條件的法律實體:(A) 是一家系統集成商,已與世紀互聯簽署協議(yì),授權該實體營銷在線服務并分發任何 Dynamics 軟件的許可或訂閱;或 (B) 是一家獨立軟件供應商,已與世紀互聯簽署協議(yì),邀請(qǐng)此軟件供應商爲任何 Dynamics 軟件開(kāi)發軟件或服務。


客戶”指獲得僅供其自(zì)身使用(yòng) Dynamics 軟件的許可、訂閱或其他(tā)權利的法律實體,且該法律實體不得将此類權利轉售、再分發、用(yòng)于商業托管或其他(tā)類似目的。

Dynamics 軟件”指世紀互聯爲了(le)使用(yòng)在線服務進行部署,而通常以基于 Web 的由世紀互聯托管和(hé)運營的雲服務形式所發布的任何微軟 Dynamics 技術。Dynamics 軟件不包括在線服務。

生效日期”在第 7.1 條中定義。

非世紀互聯産品”指任何渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴或第三方(或第三方品牌)軟件(在線、脫機、基于 Web 或其他(tā))、數據、服務(例如,在線、實施、自(zì)定義或咨詢)、網站(zhàn)、硬件、流程、内容或産品。


在線服務帳戶 ID”指渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴進行身份驗證并登錄在線服務時(shí)必須使用(yòng)的憑據。

在線服務要求”指渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴爲了(le)訪問或使用(yòng)在線服務而必須滿足并保持的憑據、條件和(hé)标準。在線服務要求包括:(A)  與世紀互聯簽訂有效的渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴協議(yì)(“合作(zuò)夥伴協議(yì)”);(B) 使用(yòng)适用(yòng)的 Dynamics 軟件時(shí)所需的有效許可的内部使用(yòng)權利;(C) 适用(yòng)的 Dynamics 軟件所需的任何技術憑據;(D) 有效的在線服務帳戶 ID;和(hé) (E) 服務門(mén)戶中指定的任何其他(tā)适用(yòng)要求。


許可用(yòng)戶”指符合以下(xià)條件的任何個人或實體:(A) 渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴授權其訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)在線服務、Dynamics 軟件、渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據或支持數據;和(hé) (B) 渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴未取消其進行此類訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)的授權。





支持數據”指通過與世紀互聯的協議(yì)由渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴或代表渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴向世紀互聯提供的(或渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴授權世紀互聯從(cóng)在線服務或 Dynamics 軟件獲取的)所有數據,包括所有文(wén)本、聲音(yīn)、視(shì)頻、圖像文(wén)件或軟件,以獲取在線服務或 Dynamics 軟件的技術支持。

2 啓動在線服務

2.1  要求。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴必須在整個期限内滿足在線服務的要求,以激活并繼續使用(yòng)在線服務。如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不符合在線服務的要求,則必須停止使用(yòng)在線服務。世紀互聯可定期檢查渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴是否符合這(zhè)些(xiē)要求,并将盡合理(lǐ)的努力通知(zhī)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不合規情況。如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不符合要求,世紀互聯無需發出通知(zhī)即可随時(shí)限制或暫停渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴對(duì)在線服務的訪問或使用(yòng)。爲清楚起見,維護待履行合作(zuò)夥伴協議(yì)(在第 1 條中定義)是一項在線服務要求和(hé)繼續使用(yòng)在線服務的先決條件,但(dàn)任何合作(zuò)夥伴協議(yì)均不适用(yòng)于在線服務本身(盡管它可能(néng)适用(yòng)于從(cóng)屬軟件(在第 6.2 條中定義))。

2.2  聯系信息注冊在線服務時(shí),渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴将提供渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的真實身份和(hé)聯系信息,并在此信息變更時(shí)立即在服務門(mén)戶中進行更新。世紀互聯将使用(yòng)此信息與渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴聯系,詳情如隐私聲明(míng)中所述。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴保證渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴所提供的信息是真實、完整且有效的,否則渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴将對(duì)後果承擔全部責任。

2.3 工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)管理(lǐ)。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴可以不時(shí)地使用(yòng)在線服務來(lái)爲客戶創建包含 Dynamics 軟件的工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)(例如,潛在客戶售前項目或實施項目),或者客戶可以邀請(qǐng)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴到(dào)現(xiàn)有工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)。世紀互聯對(duì)任何此類工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)的管理(lǐ)沒有直接的職責,此類工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)僅由渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴管理(lǐ)或由渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴及其客戶共同管理(lǐ)。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴承認,如果其作(zuò)爲客戶的許可用(yòng)戶進行訪問,則受該客戶的許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款(在第 2.4.1 條中定義)約束,根據該使用(yòng)條款,其可能(néng)無法訪問該客戶的工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)。

2.4  許可用(yòng)戶。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴将授權許可用(yòng)戶訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)在線服務以及 Dynamics 軟件(如适用(yòng))。如果在線服務或 Dynamics 軟件(如适用(yòng))允許,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴可向在線服務或 Dynamics 軟件中添加許可用(yòng)戶或從(cóng)中删除許可用(yòng)戶。

2.4.1 非世紀互聯。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴可以要求非世紀互聯許可用(yòng)戶同意其訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴于在線服務中創建的工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū),或提供的任何渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據或支持數據的條款(“許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款”)。任何許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款将要求許可用(yòng)戶至少同意:(A) 許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款僅适用(yòng)于渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴和(hé)許可用(yòng)戶之間,對(duì)于許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款,或對(duì)于渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴、許可用(yòng)戶或兩者的任何第三方代理(lǐ)的作(zuò)爲和(hé)不作(zuò)爲,世紀互聯不以任何方式承擔責任;和(hé) (B) 由許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款或許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)在線服務中的任何工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)引起或與之相關的任何争議(yì)僅存在于渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴和(hé)許可用(yòng)戶之間。世紀互聯可依賴任何非世紀互聯許可用(yòng)戶提供的信息或說明(míng)。

2.4.2 世紀互聯。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴被視(shì)爲已向任何世紀互聯許可用(yòng)戶授予許可,允許其訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的在線服務工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)、渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據和(hé)支持數據。如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴要求世紀互聯同意許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款,以獲取對(duì)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的在線服務工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)、渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據或支持數據的訪問或使用(yòng)權,則即使任何世紀互聯人員聲稱接受該許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款,其仍被視(shì)爲已被世紀互聯拒絕,并且不适用(yòng)于世紀互聯。

2.5  預覽版。世紀互聯可以提供預覽版。如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴使用(yòng)(或嘗試使用(yòng))預覽版,則本第 2.5 條中的條款将适用(yòng)。世紀互聯會(huì)将預覽版内容标記爲“測試版”、“預發布版”、“預覽版”或類似名稱。預覽版僅爲便利而提供,除非世紀互聯在另行簽署的書面文(wén)件中明(míng)确規定,否則不得在生産或“實時(shí)操作(zuò)”環境中使用(yòng)預覽版。如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴在生産或“實時(shí)操作(zuò)”環境中使用(yòng)任何預覽版,世紀互聯對(duì)任何數據洩露或損失概不負責。世紀互聯可以随時(shí)更改或中止預覽版,恕不另行通知(zhī)。預覽版中:(A) 可能(néng)缺少或禁用(yòng)了(le)某些(xiē)功能(néng);(B) 可能(néng)包含的 bug 或其他(tā)錯誤會(huì)導緻其無法正常運行;(C) 采用(yòng)的隐私和(hé)安全措施少于或不同于商業版本在線服務或任何 Dynamics 軟件中通常存在的措施;(D) 除非另有說明(míng),否則不受任何适用(yòng)于在線服務的商業版本或任何 Dynamics 軟件的服務水(shuǐ)平協議(yì)的約束;并且 (E) 被視(shì)爲包含在在線服務中并受本協議(yì)條款的約束(除非此類預覽版可能(néng)附帶的任何單獨條款中另有與本協議(yì)沖突或作(zuò)爲本協議(yì)補充的說明(míng),或本協議(yì)中另有說明(míng),包括此處的第 2.5 條)。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴全權負責評估預覽版以及從(cóng)中生成的任何報(bào)告或輸出。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不得使用(yòng)預覽版來(lái)處理(lǐ)個人數據或受法律或法規合規性要求約束的其他(tā)數據。根據第 4.2 條從(cóng) OST 并入的以下(xià)條款不适用(yòng)于預覽版:個人數據的處理(lǐ)、GDPR 和(hé)數據安全。

2.5.1 不保證。在選擇使用(yòng)預覽版時(shí),渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不得依賴于世紀互聯提供任何未來(lái)的功能(néng)或特性,也(yě)不得依賴于有關預覽版或産品路線圖的任何評論。世紀互聯可能(néng)會(huì)在最終的商業版本(如果有)中對(duì)預覽版進行大(dà)幅變更,或者世紀互聯可能(néng)選擇不發布商業版本。商業版本(如果有)可能(néng)受本協議(yì)或其他(tā)協議(yì)的約束,即使預覽版是免費的,商業版本也(yě)可能(néng)需要付費。

2.5.2 支持。世紀互聯沒有義務爲預覽版提供技術支持。如果世紀互聯提供任何技術支持,則可以在預覽版提供的詳細信息中找到(dào)有關此類支持的信息。世紀互聯爲預覽版可能(néng)提供的任何支持均按“原樣”提供、“包含所有錯誤”,并且沒有擔保。

3 使用(yòng)在線服務的權利

3.1  許可。根據本協議(yì)的條款,世紀互聯向渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴授予有限的、不可轉讓的、非獨占的、可撤銷的必要版權許可,以便在期限内訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)在線服務。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴隻能(néng)根據本協議(yì)(以及世紀互聯可能(néng)在任何預覽版中提供的任何單獨條款)使用(yòng)在線服務。

3.2  反饋。世紀互聯(及其許可方)可以使用(yòng)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴或其許可用(yòng)戶提供的任何反饋,包括渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴或其許可用(yòng)戶指定爲機密的反饋。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴将不會(huì),并且将導緻其許可用(yòng)戶不會(huì)在任何反饋中包含任何渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據、個人數據或受法律或法規合規性要求約束的其他(tā)數據。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴免費向世紀互聯(及其許可方)提供以任何方式和(hé)任何目的使用(yòng)、分享和(hé)不受限制地商業化此類反饋的權利。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴還免費向第三方提供任何含有此類反饋的世紀互聯(或其許可方)産品或服務的使用(yòng)權或與之連接的權利。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴聲明(míng)并保證其擁有或以其他(tā)方式控制此類反饋的所有權利,并且此類反饋不受任何第三方權利的約束。“反饋”指渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴(包括其許可用(yòng)戶)向世紀互聯提供的有關在線服務、任何世紀互聯軟件或 Dynamics 軟件的所有評論、建議(yì)或反饋。

3.3  可接受的使用(yòng)政策。在以下(xià)情況下(xià),渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不得使用(yòng)在線服務:(A) 采用(yòng)法律、法規、政府命令或法令禁止的使用(yòng)方式; (B)侵犯他(tā)人的權利; (C) 嘗試未經授權訪問或破壞任何服務、設備、數據、帳戶或網絡; (D) 發送垃圾郵件或分發惡意軟件; (E) 使用(yòng)方式可能(néng)損害在線服務、任何世紀互聯軟件(包括 Dynamics 軟件),或損害其他(tā)人對(duì)此類服務和(hé)軟件的使用(yòng);或者 (F) 在任何應用(yòng)中或任何情況下(xià),在線服務的故障可能(néng)導緻任何人死亡或出現(xiàn)嚴重身體傷害,或嚴重的物理(lǐ)性損壞或環境損害。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不得繞開(kāi)在線服務、任何世紀互聯軟件或 Dynamics 軟件或世紀互聯系統中的任何技術或功能(néng)限制。違反本第 3.3 條中的條款可能(néng)導緻在線服務暫停或本協議(yì)終止。世紀互聯将僅在合理(lǐ)需要的範圍内暫停在線服務。除非世紀互聯認爲需要立即暫停在線服務,否則世紀互聯将在暫停渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴對(duì)在線服務的訪問之前提供合理(lǐ)的通知(zhī)。

3.4  技術限制。除非獲得明(míng)确授權,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不得從(cóng)在線服務下(xià)載或以其他(tā)方式删除軟件、源代碼或其他(tā)内容或材料的副本。與在線服務或任何 Dynamics 軟件相關并且均受第 4.2 條約束的情況下(xià),世紀互聯可以使用(yòng)從(cóng)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據或支持數據中獲得或了(le)解的任何信息或數據,前提是此類使用(yòng)不會(huì)包括或披露渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據或支持數據,并且不得通過此類用(yòng)途對(duì)任何渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據或支持數據進行逆向工(gōng)程。保留本協議(yì)中未明(míng)确授予的所有權利。未經渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的許可,世紀互聯不得将渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據或支持數據,或從(cóng)此類數據中獲取的信息用(yòng)于廣告或類似商業目的。

3.5  保密。各協議(yì)方應:(A) 保護另一方根據本協議(yì)共享的機密信息,防止未經授權地傳播這(zhè)些(xiē)信息,并采用(yòng)其保護自(zì)身信息的同等程度保護這(zhè)些(xiē)信息,但(dàn)絕不能(néng)低(dī)于合理(lǐ)的謹慎程度;(B) 根據本協議(yì)僅在必要時(shí)使用(yòng)另一方的機密信息;和(hé) (C) 在任何情況下(xià),未經另一方事(shì)先書面許可,不得向任何第三方披露另一方的機密信息。但(dàn)是,可以根據司法或其他(tā)政府命令披露機密信息,條件是遵守該命令的一方給予關于此類披露的合理(lǐ)通知(zhī),使另一方有合理(lǐ)的機會(huì)尋求保護令或同等效力的措施;或者從(cóng)适用(yòng)的司法或政府實體獲得具有法律約束力的保證,該實體将爲機密信息提供保護,保護程度将與其根據适用(yòng)法律或按法律要求保護其類似專有信息和(hé)機密信息的程度相同。也(yě)可能(néng)将機密信息披露給接收方的人員(受到(dào)書面保密義務的約束,其約束力不低(dī)于本協議(yì)的限制)及其關聯公司,披露程度均僅限于此類人員或關聯公司爲妥善履行本協議(yì)而合理(lǐ)地需要知(zhī)道(dào)此類機密信息的程度。本第 3.5 條中的保密義務适用(yòng)于 (x) 渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據和(hé)支持數據,直至從(cóng)在線服務中删除此類數據爲止;(y) 預覽版,除非并直至預覽版被公開(kāi);和(hé) (z) 所有其他(tā)機密信息,保密期限爲一方收到(dào)機密信息後的五(5)年内。“機密信息”指披露方指定爲機密的非公開(kāi)信息,或者在披露的情況下(xià)應當視(shì)爲機密的非公開(kāi)信息;預覽版被視(shì)爲世紀互聯的機密信息;并且渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據、支持數據以及世紀互聯協議(yì)的條款也(yě)是機密信息。機密信息不包括以下(xià)信息:(1) 在沒有違反保密義務的情況下(xià)可公開(kāi)獲得的信息;(2) 接收方不違反保密義務,通過合法方式從(cóng)其他(tā)來(lái)源獲得的信息;(3) 獨立開(kāi)發的信息;或 (4) 反饋。

3.6  停機時(shí)間。世紀互聯可能(néng)安排時(shí)間中斷在線服務,以進行升級、更新或其他(tā)維護(“計(jì)劃停機時(shí)間”)。世紀互聯将做出商業上(shàng)合理(lǐ)的努力,提前通知(zhī)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴該計(jì)劃停機時(shí)間。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴可能(néng)無法在計(jì)劃停機時(shí)間内訪問或使用(yòng)在線服務、任何 Dynamics 軟件或任何非世紀互聯産品;此類無法訪問不被視(shì)爲違反本協議(yì)。在不限制上(shàng)述規定的情況下(xià),不存在适用(yòng)于在線服務的服務水(shuǐ)平保證或正常運行時(shí)間要求。

4 數據保護

4.1  數據保留和(hé)删除。在期限内,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴可以訪問、提取和(hé)删除存儲于在線服務中的渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據。除免費試用(yòng)版和(hé)預覽版,以及第 4.1 條中另有規定外(wài),世紀互聯将在渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的在線服務訪問權限終止後的 90 天内将存儲于在線服務中的渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據保留在一個功能(néng)有限的帳戶中,以便渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴可以提取數據。在 90 天保留期結束後,世紀互聯将禁用(yòng)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴帳戶并在後續 90 天内删除渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據和(hé)個人數據,除非世紀互聯(A) 根據适用(yòng)的法律或法規允許或被要求保留此類數據,(B) 經本協議(yì)授權;或 (C) 僅限于渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴于在線服務中擁有多個角色(例如,既是渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴也(yě)是客戶),并且部分渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據或個人數據對(duì)多個此類角色是共用(yòng)的,在這(zhè)種情況下(xià),世紀互聯将保留此類共用(yòng)數據,直至渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴所有此類角色的在線服務訪問權終止。在線服務可能(néng)不支持保留或提取由渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴提供的任何非世紀互聯産品。就第 4.1 條而言,一旦渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴沒有任何從(cóng)屬軟件(在第 6.2 條中定義)的待履行訂閱或待履行支持協議(yì),“渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的在線服務訪問權”即被視(shì)爲終止。世紀互聯對(duì)第 4.1 條中描述的渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據或個人數據的删除不承擔任何責任。

4.2  數據保護條款。本協議(yì)包括并通過引用(yòng)方式并入 OST 中題爲“數據保護條款”的部分或其他(tā)明(míng)确與數據處理(lǐ)或保護有關的部分(包括标準合同條款和(hé)歐盟通用(yòng)數據保護條例,均已并入 OST 中),但(dàn)明(míng)确排除特定于具體指名的在線服務的任何條款。僅适用(yòng)于解釋本協議(yì)範圍内從(cóng) OST 并入的條款:(A) 此類并入條款中提到(dào)的“客戶”被視(shì)爲适用(yòng)于“渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴”; (B) 此類并入條款中提到(dào)的所有“客戶數據”均被視(shì)爲“渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據”;和(hé) (C) 如果此類并入條款中提到(dào)的任何定義在本協議(yì)和(hé) OST 中均有定義,則以本協議(yì)中的定義爲準。

4.3  數據位置。世紀互聯僅在中國存儲渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據,除非世紀互聯使用(yòng) Microsoft Azure Email Orchestrator 向在線服務的用(yòng)戶發送系統生成的電子郵件,以提供服務請(qǐng)求的确認或狀态更新。收件人的電子郵件地址和(hé)電子郵件内容将在美(měi)國存儲一段有限的時(shí)間。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴同意傳輸此信息。

4.4  安全做法和(hé)策略。世紀互聯将實施并維持适當的技術措施和(hé)組織措施,以保護渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據和(hé)個人數據。這(zhè)些(xiē)措施将在世紀互聯在線安全策略中進行闡述。世紀互聯将向渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴提供該策略,以及有關在線服務的安全控制說明(míng)和(hé)由渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴合理(lǐ)要求的其他(tā)世紀互聯安全實踐和(hé)策略信息。此外(wài),這(zhè)些(xiē)措施将符合 ISO 27001、ISO 27002 和(hé) ISO 27018 中規定的要求。世紀互聯不會(huì)淘汰 ISO 27001、ISO 27002 或 ISO 27018,除非這(zhè)些(xiē)标準在行業中已不再使用(yòng),并且已由後繼者(如果有)取代。

4.5  聯系世紀互聯。如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴認爲世紀互聯沒有遵守其隐私或安全承諾,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴可聯系以下(xià)網站(zhàn)上(shàng)的客戶支持:/Dynamics365/ 。

5 第三方事(shì)項

5.1  非世紀互聯産品。世紀互聯可通過渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴對(duì)在線服務的使用(yòng)向渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴提供非世紀互聯産品(例如通過商店(diàn)或圖庫或其他(tā)集成)。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴對(duì)非世紀互聯産品的使用(yòng)可能(néng)受第三方條款和(hé)條件的約束。如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴通過在線服務或任何 Dynamics 軟件來(lái)安裝或使用(yòng)任何非世紀互聯産品,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不得以任何方式使世紀互聯的知(zhī)識産權承擔超出本協議(yì)範圍的義務。世紀互聯對(duì)任何非世紀互聯産品(包括渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴在任何此類非世紀互聯産品中的任何知(zhī)識産權)不承擔任何責任或義務。如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴(或其客戶)通過在線服務或任何 Dynamics 軟件來(lái)安裝或使用(yòng)任何非世紀互聯産品:(A) 在世紀互聯和(hé)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴之間,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴承擔此類非世紀互聯産品的全部責任,并将遵守世紀互聯可能(néng)實施的所有适用(yòng)策略和(hé)流程; (B) 如果客戶将其經銷商或系統集成商更改爲第三方,則:(1) 渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴将無法訪問此類客戶的适用(yòng)工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)、内容以及渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴可能(néng)向客戶提供的渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴非世紀互聯産品的任何副本,但(dàn)(2) 此類客戶及其新的經銷商或系統集成商可以訪問此類客戶的适用(yòng)工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)、内容以及渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的非世紀互聯産品的任何此類副本;和(hé) (C) 自(zì)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴首次向世紀互聯提供此類非世紀互聯産品起,并持續到(dào)世紀互聯從(cóng)其系統中删除此類非世紀互聯産品爲止,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴授予世紀互聯非獨家、免版稅、已全額付款的許可,以托管、使用(yòng)、分發、複制以及以其他(tā)方式在全球範圍内訪問此類非世紀互聯産品。

5.2  用(yòng)戶協議(yì)。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴必須與渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴通過在線服務向其提供任何非世紀互聯産品的訪問或使用(yòng)權的每個客戶簽訂協議(yì)(并且未能(néng)簽訂該協議(yì)将被視(shì)爲重大(dà)違規行爲)(包括任何許可條款或隐私聲明(míng))(“用(yòng)戶協議(yì)”)。用(yòng)戶協議(yì)不得:(A) 代表世紀互聯就任何此類非世紀互聯産品或其他(tā)事(shì)項作(zuò)出任何聲明(míng)或擔保;(B) 聲稱其産生的任何義務可任命或提及世紀互聯作(zuò)爲有義務履行或執行任何職責的一方或第三方;(C) 除了(le)在其隐私政策中可能(néng)有必要披露的内容之外(wài),以其他(tā)方式任命或提及世紀互聯;或者 (D) 聲稱取代、修改或廢除世紀互聯與每個此類客戶之間的适用(yòng)使用(yòng)條款。

6 在線服務的變更

6.1  變更服務。除非本協議(yì)另有明(míng)确規定,否則世紀互聯可随時(shí)更改在線服務或任何 Dynamics 軟件,恕不另行通知(zhī)。

6.2  停止服務。如果沒有提供後繼者或服務,世紀互聯将在結束對(duì)在線服務的支持前至少 12 個月發出通知(zhī),免費試用(yòng)服務或預覽版除外(wài)。盡管本協議(yì)中存在上(shàng)述内容或任何相反的内容,但(dàn)是僅限于渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴必須通過在線服務訪問或使用(yòng)任何 Dynamics 軟件(“從(cóng)屬軟件”)、至少渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的其中一個客戶維持對(duì)從(cóng)屬軟件的待履行訂閱或待履行支持協議(yì)并且停止在線服務将阻止此類訪問或使用(yòng)的情況下(xià),世紀互聯才不會(huì)停止在線服務。

7 期限和(hé)終止

7.1  期限。本協議(yì)的期限(“期限”)始于渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴或其簽字人同意受本協議(yì)約束的最早日期(“生效日期”),如本協議(yì)第一段所述,并将持續至協議(yì)終止。

7.2  終止。如果任何一方違反本協議(yì)并且在違約通知(zhī)後的 30 天内未能(néng)解決此類違約問題,則另一方可在發出通知(zhī)後立即終止本協議(yì)。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴也(yě)可以提前 60 天向世紀互聯發出通知(zhī)後,出于任何原因或無理(lǐ)由終止本協議(yì)。如果根據第 6 條停止在線服務,本協議(yì)将自(zì)動終止。如果本協議(yì)因任何原因對(duì)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴而言已終止,它将自(zì)動對(duì)所有許可用(yòng)戶終止。

7.3  存續條款。以下(xià)條款将在本協議(yì)終止後繼續有效:第 1 條(定義)、第 3.2 條(反饋)、第 3.5 條(保密,如本條所述)、第 7.3 條(存續條款)、第 8 條(擔保和(hé)免責聲明(míng))、第 9 條(世紀互聯的侵權索賠抗辯)、第 10 條(渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的索賠抗辯)、第 11 條(責任限制)和(hé)第 12 條(一般條款)。從(cóng) OST 中并入的條款的存續與 OST 中所述的一緻。

8 擔保和(hé)免責聲明(míng)

8.1  渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴。除本協議(yì)序言中的擔保外(wài),渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴始終向世紀互聯聲明(míng)并擔保:(A) 出于任何目的或以任何方式使用(yòng)在線服務不會(huì)使世紀互聯承擔本協議(yì)之外(wài)的任何義務;(B) 它擁有根據本協議(yì)授予許可所需的一切權利;(C) 它已擁有或将獲得并保持對(duì)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據、支持數據以及所使用(yòng)的任何在線服務相關其他(tā)數據、軟件和(hé)服務(包括任何非世紀互聯産品和(hé)其他(tā)第三方内容和(hé)材料)的所有必要權利;(D)世紀互聯對(duì)任何渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據和(hé)支持數據的使用(yòng),以及對(duì)本協議(yì)下(xià)授予的權利和(hé)許可的行使,現(xiàn)在和(hé)将來(lái)都不會(huì)侵占或侵犯任何第三方的知(zhī)識産權或其他(tā)所有權或以其他(tā)方式違反任何法律;以及 (E) 渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據和(hé)支持數據不包括國家機密,或者,如果任何渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據或支持數據構成國家機密,則渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴已獲得必要的批準,可以向世紀互聯及其關聯公司、承包商和(hé)供應商披露國家機密。

8.2  免責聲明(míng)。在線服務、任何服務門(mén)戶、Dynamics 軟件以及世紀互聯或其供應商提供的與在線服務相關的任何技術、材料、系統、基礎結構或信息均按原樣提供,不作(zuò)任何擔保。世紀互聯不做任何擔保(明(míng)示、暗示、法定或其他(tā)擔保,包括适銷性、特定用(yòng)途的适用(yòng)性、令人滿意的質量、不侵權、所有權的暗示擔保,以及在任何交易過程或商業慣例中産生的任何擔保)。除非适用(yòng)法律另有要求,否則這(zhè)些(xiē)免責聲明(míng)将适用(yòng)。

8.3  高(gāo)風(fēng)險活動。世紀互聯代表其自(zì)身及其供應商對(duì)在線服務在高(gāo)風(fēng)險活動中的适用(yòng)性不做任何明(míng)示或暗示的擔保,高(gāo)風(fēng)險活動包括核設施、航空(kōng)器導航或通信系統、空(kōng)中交通管制、直接生命支持機器或武器系統的操作(zuò)。

9 條世紀互聯對(duì)特定第三方索賠的抗辯

9.1  職責和(hé)流程。  根據第 9.1 和(hé) 9.2 條的規定,世紀互聯應:(A) 對(duì)于無關聯的第三方指控由世紀互聯提供的并根據本協議(yì)獲得許可使用(yòng)的在線服務侵犯或侵占該第三方知(zhī)識産權所提出的索賠,爲渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴、渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的關聯公司及其每個子公司、董事(shì)、高(gāo)級職員、雇員、代理(lǐ)或獨立承包商進行抗辯(“世紀互聯保障的索賠”);并且 (B) 支付任何因世紀互聯保障的索賠所産生的不利最終判決(或世紀互聯同意的和(hé)解)。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴應:(y) 及時(shí)通知(zhī)世紀互聯有關世紀互聯保障的索賠,并給予世紀互聯對(duì)抗辯與和(hé)解的唯一控制權,盡管渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴可以自(zì)行承擔費用(yòng)參加此過程;并且 (z) 就任何世紀互聯保障的索賠所進行的抗辯向世紀互聯提供合理(lǐ)的協助。世紀互聯對(duì)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴未經世紀互聯事(shì)先書面許可(不得無理(lǐ)限制、延遲或拒絕給予此類許可)所做的任何和(hé)解不承擔任何責任。世紀互聯對(duì)專利索賠進行抗辯和(hé)償付的義務将僅限于在線服務本身在未經組合或修改的情況下(xià)構成對(duì)該專利的直接或共同侵權的專利索賠。

9.2  限制。世紀互聯根據本第 9 條承擔的義務将不适用(yòng)基于以下(xià)情況的世紀互聯保障的索賠、不利的最終判決或和(hé)解:(A) 任何渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據、支持數據、非世紀互聯産品、指向第三方網站(zhàn)的鏈接或非世紀互聯内容或材料;(B) 在世紀互聯通知(zhī)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴因第三方索賠而停止使用(yòng)在線服務之後,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴仍使用(yòng)在線服務的任何部分,并由于其繼續使用(yòng)而産生損害;(C) 渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴将在線服務的任何部分與世紀互聯未提供或代表世紀互聯未提供的任何産品或服務進行組合,并且因該組合産生索賠;(D) 使用(yòng)任何非世紀互聯産品的價值所造成的損害;(E) 渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴未經世紀互聯明(míng)确事(shì)先書面同意,使用(yòng)任何世紀互聯商标; (F) 渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴在生産或“實時(shí)操作(zuò)”環境中使用(yòng)任何預覽版(除非在與世紀互聯的單獨書面協議(yì)中另有明(míng)确說明(míng));(G) 渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴以違反本協議(yì)的方式使用(yòng)在線服務,并因此違規行爲而引起索賠;或 (H) 渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴在以下(xià)情況下(xià)獲得商業秘密而受到(dào)指控:(1) 通過不正當手段;(2) 在有責任維護其秘密或限制其使用(yòng)的情況下(xià);或 (3) 從(cóng)有責任爲第三方索賠人保密或限制商業秘密的使用(yòng)的任何一方(世紀互聯除外(wài))獲得。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴将向世紀互聯償還因上(shàng)述任何行爲而導緻的任何費用(yòng)或損害。此外(wài),如果任何索賠、不利最終判決或和(hé)解因 Dynamics 軟件(而不是在線服務)産生或與之相關,世紀互聯将不承擔本第 9 條規定的義務;世紀互聯對(duì)與 Dynamics 軟件相關的任何此類索賠進行抗辯以及解決或支付任何此類判決或和(hé)解的義務(如果有)在渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴獲得訪問權限及此類 Dynamics 軟件的訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)權協議(yì)中進行規定。

9.3  具體權利和(hé)補救措施。

9.3.1 可能(néng)的侵權行爲。如果世紀互聯收到(dào)有關世紀互聯保障的索賠信息,世紀互聯可自(zì)行承擔費用(yòng)采取以下(xià)解決方式之一:(A) 爲渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴獲得繼續使用(yòng)涉嫌侵權的在線服務部分的權利;(B) 修改涉嫌侵權的在線服務部分,使其不侵權;或 (C) 用(yòng)非侵權的對(duì)等功能(néng)替換在線服務中涉嫌侵權的部分。收到(dào)世紀互聯的通知(zhī)後,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴應立即停止使用(yòng)涉嫌侵權的在線服務。如果其對(duì)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴提出了(le)針對(duì)世紀互聯知(zhī)識産權的任何其他(tā)類型的第三方索賠,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴必須立即以書面形式通知(zhī)世紀互聯。世紀互聯可自(zì)行選擇這(zhè)些(xiē)索賠是否屬于第 9 條所涵蓋的範圍。

9.3.2 排他(tā)性補救措施。本第 9 條規定了(le)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的排他(tā)性補救措施和(hé)世紀互聯對(duì)世紀互聯保障的索賠的排他(tā)性義務(在世紀互聯不違反本第 9 條的情況下(xià))。

10 .渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的索賠抗辯。

10.1       職責和(hé)流程。對(duì)于無關聯的第三方提出的以下(xià)索賠,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴将爲世紀互聯、世紀互聯的關聯公司及其每個子公司、董事(shì)、高(gāo)級職員、雇員、代理(lǐ)、許可方或獨立承包商進行抗辯(“渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴保障的索賠”):(A) 指控渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據、支持數據、渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的非世紀互聯産品、其他(tā)非世紀互聯内容或材料,或渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴(包括非世紀互聯許可用(yòng)戶)對(duì)在線服務的使用(yòng)(僅限于根據第 9 條世紀互聯有義務進行抗辯和(hé)支付的索賠)侵犯或侵占了(le)該第三方的知(zhī)識産權;(B) 如果指控屬實,則反映渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴違反本協議(yì);(C) 與渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴和(hé)非世紀互聯許可用(yòng)戶之間任何種類或性質的,由于許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款或其他(tā)原因引起的或與之相關的争議(yì)有關;(D) 與渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴在生産或“實時(shí)操作(zuò)”環境中使用(yòng)預覽版有關(E) 由渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的非世紀互聯産品引起或與之相關的索賠,包括任何産品責任索賠;或 (F) 假如渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴已使用(yòng)第 2.4.1 條下(xià)的許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款有效地約束了(le)适用(yòng)的客戶,則世紀互聯的賠償責任應減少。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴還将支付渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴保障的索賠所産生的任何不利最終判決(或渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴同意的和(hé)解)。世紀互聯将通知(zhī)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴有關渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴保障的索賠,并通過渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴(與世紀互聯協商)選擇的合格律師将抗辯與和(hé)解的控制權交給渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴,盡管世紀互聯可自(zì)行承擔費用(yòng)參與其中。未經世紀互聯事(shì)先明(míng)确書面同意(不得無理(lǐ)限制、延遲或拒絕給予此類同意),渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不得默認任何判決或訂立任何對(duì)世紀互聯權利或利益産生不利影響的和(hé)解或使世紀互聯有義務支付渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴根據本第 10.1 條在和(hé)解時(shí)尚未付清的任何款項。未經世紀互聯事(shì)先明(míng)确書面許可,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不得代表世紀互聯約定、認可或承認任何過錯或責任。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴對(duì)世紀互聯未經渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴事(shì)先書面許可(不得無理(lǐ)限制、延遲或拒絕給予此類許可)所做的任何和(hé)解不承擔任何責任。世紀互聯還将在渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴合理(lǐ)要求且承擔費用(yòng)的情況下(xià)就任何渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴保障的索賠進行抗辯向渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴提供合理(lǐ)的協助。

10.2       排他(tā)性補救措施。本第 10 條規定了(le)世紀互聯的排他(tā)性補救措施和(hé)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴對(duì)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴保障的索賠的排他(tā)性義務(在渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不違反本第 10 條的情況下(xià))。

11 責任限制

11.1       責任上(shàng)限。根據第 11.3 條并在适用(yòng)法律允許的範圍内,對(duì)于與本協議(yì)相關的所有索賠,各方對(duì)另一方的責任總額僅限于合理(lǐ)信任所産生的直接損害賠償,金(jīn)額不超過50元人民币。無論責任是基于違約、侵權(包括疏忽)、嚴格責任、違反擔保還是任何其他(tā)原則,均适用(yòng)此限制。爲清楚起見,世紀互聯對(duì)于渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴與任何非世紀互聯許可用(yòng)戶之間的任何許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款下(xià)的任何責任概不負責。

11.2       被排除的損害。在适用(yòng)法律允許的範圍内,無論索賠的法律依據如何,任何一方或其任何關聯公司、供應商或承包商均不對(duì)因本協議(yì)産生或與之相關的任何間接損害(包括間接的、特殊的、懲罰性或附帶的損害,或利潤或收入損失、業務中斷或業務信息丢失的損害)承擔責任,即使被告知(zhī)可能(néng)存在此類損害,或者産生此類損害的可能(néng)性是可合理(lǐ)預見的。

11.3       适用(yòng)性。第 11.1 條中的限制和(hé)第 11.2 條中的排除條款不适用(yòng)于:(A) 侵犯或盜用(yòng)另一方的知(zhī)識産權;(B 9 條或第 10 條下(xià)的義務或對(duì)此條款的違反;(C) 由于一方或其代理(lǐ)的重大(dà)過失或故意不當行爲造成的損害(在不承認重大(dà)過失和(hé)疏忽之間存在法律區(qū)别的司法管轄區(qū),重大(dà)過失魯莽);(D) 因一方的疏忽或其雇員或代理(lǐ)的疏忽造成的人身傷害或死亡;(E) 欺詐;或 (F) 違反有關機密信息的義務(與渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據或支持數據相關的義務除外(wài),這(zhè)些(xiē)數據受約束于第 11.1 條中的限制和(hé)第 11.2 條中的排除條款)。此外(wài),第 11.1 條中的限制不适用(yòng)于爲在線服務支付的費用(yòng)(如有)。

11.4       比較過錯。任何一方及其關聯公司均不對(duì)由于另一方或其代理(lǐ)或許可用(yòng)戶的錯誤、疏忽或過錯造成的任何損害負責(但(dàn)世紀互聯充當渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的許可用(yòng)戶時(shí),本第 11.4 條中的前述内容不适用(yòng)于免除世紀互聯适用(yòng)的責任)。

11.5       對(duì)他(tā)人的責任。對(duì)于由渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴向其提供在線服務訪問權限的任何許可用(yòng)戶(世紀互聯除外(wài))對(duì)在線服務的任何使用(yòng)或采取的作(zuò)爲或不作(zuò)爲(包括關于非世紀互聯産品或其他(tā)非世紀互聯内容或材料、渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據或支持數據的行爲),渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴将承擔責任。任何許可用(yòng)戶(世紀互聯除外(wài))與在線服務相關的作(zuò)爲或不作(zuò)爲(以及因渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴違反本協議(yì)或未能(néng)采取行動而造成的任何許可用(yòng)戶違反本協議(yì)的任何其他(tā)作(zuò)爲或不作(zuò)爲)将被歸咎于渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴。對(duì)于渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴(或其非世紀互聯許可用(yòng)戶)與第三方、第三方網站(zhàn)或代表渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的任何第三方進行交互時(shí)出現(xiàn)的相關傷害或損害,世紀互聯不承擔任何責任。

12 一般條款

12.1       協議(yì)更改。世紀互聯可能(néng)定期更改本協議(yì)。更改協議(yì)後,世紀互聯将通知(zhī)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴(根據第 12.14 條或通過其他(tā)商業合理(lǐ)的方式)并将在服務門(mén)戶上(shàng)發布适用(yòng)文(wén)檔的新版本,其中包括所有更改和(hé)新的“最後修訂”日期。如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不同意更改,則必須取消或停止使用(yòng)在線服務。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴在更改内容發布後繼續訪問或使用(yòng)在線服務即表示接受此類更改和(hé)本協議(yì)的約束。

12.2       可用(yòng)性。世紀互聯并未陳述本在線服務适合或可在所有地理(lǐ)位置使用(yòng)。如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴從(cóng)有意提供在線服務的國家/地區(qū)以外(wài)的國家/地區(qū)訪問或使用(yòng)在線服務的任何部分,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴将自(zì)行承擔風(fēng)險,并自(zì)行負責遵守所有适用(yòng)的法律。

12.3       适用(yòng)法律。1980年《聯合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》(United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods)及其相關文(wén)書不适用(yòng)于本協議(yì)。在線服務、世紀互聯軟件和(hé) Dynamics 軟件受版權和(hé)其他(tā)知(zhī)識産權法律和(hé)國際條約的保護。中華人民共和(hé)國的法律适用(yòng)于本協議(yì)。

12.4       地點和(hé)管轄權。與本協議(yì)相關的任何訴訟或争議(yì)将由具有約束力的仲裁決定。仲裁将根據當時(shí)有效的規則在北京的中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會(huì)(“CIETAC”)進行。第 12.4 條并未阻止任何一方在任何适當的司法管轄區(qū)内針對(duì)違反知(zhī)識産權或保密義務而尋求禁令救濟。

12.5       争議(yì)。在任何一方(或其任何人員)按照第 12.4 條提出索賠之前,應提前 60 天向另一方提供書面通知(zhī),并在此 60 天期限内(如果雙方同意可延長時(shí)間),雙方授權代表将真誠合作(zuò),以解決争議(yì)。

12.6       律師費。在與本協議(yì)相關的任何争議(yì)中,勝訴方(包括任何上(shàng)訴)将有權收回其合理(lǐ)的律師費和(hé)開(kāi)支。

12.7       可分割性。如果本協議(yì)的任何部分被認爲是不可執行的,則将被視(shì)爲由盡可能(néng)與原始語言的意圖相匹配的可執行部分代替。本協議(yì)的其餘部分将繼續具有完全效力。

12.8       轉讓。世紀互聯可以随時(shí)全部或部分轉讓本協議(yì),恕不另行通知(zhī),包括轉讓給非世紀互聯實體。未經世紀互聯事(shì)先書面同意,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不得轉讓本協議(yì)或其下(xià)的任何權利或義務。如果未獲得此類同意,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的任何嘗試轉讓均無效。

12.9       第三方受益人。本協議(yì)沒有第三方受益人。

12.10     關系。協議(yì)雙方是獨立承包商。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴不得聲稱自(zì)己是世紀互聯的代表、代理(lǐ)或雇員。本協議(yì)不構成合資企業、合夥、代理(lǐ)機構、信托或雇傭關系。世紀互聯及其供應商是獨立實體,世紀互聯不對(duì)此類第三方的任何行爲負責,也(yě)不受其約束。爲免生疑義,世紀互聯與渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴之間不存在合夥關系。

12.11     遵守法律。世紀互聯将遵守适用(yòng)于其提供在線服務的所有法律和(hé)法規,包括有關安全漏洞通知(zhī)的法律。但(dàn)是,世紀互聯不負責遵守适用(yòng)于渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴或渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴行業,但(dàn)通常不适用(yòng)于信息技術服務提供商的任何法律或法規。世紀互聯不确定渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴數據或支持數據是否包含受任何特定法律或法規約束的信息。


除了(le)本第 12.11 條中的上(shàng)述内容外(wài),渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴承認,根據中國法規:


  1. 違反中國憲法确定的基本原則;
  2. 損害國家安全,洩露國家機密,颠覆國家主權或危害國家統一;
  3. 損害國家的聲譽和(hé)利益;
  4. 煽動民族仇恨、民族歧視(shì)或破壞民族團結;
  5. 損害國家宗教政策或宣揚邪教或封建迷信;
  6. 散布謠言,擾亂社會(huì)秩序或破壞社會(huì)穩定;
  7. 散布淫穢、色情、賭博、暴力、兇殺和(hé)恐怖活動,或煽動犯罪;
  8. 侮辱或诽謗他(tā)人或侵犯其合法權益;和(hé)
  9. 法律或行政法規另有禁止的内容。



  • 如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴使用(yòng)在線服務運營的業務或組織需要獲得相關政府機構的許可或批準,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴應獲得此類相關許可或批準,包括但(dàn)不限于:
    • 如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的網站(zhàn)提供非經營性互聯網信息服務,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴應向政府機構提交非經營性網站(zhàn)的備案;
    • 如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴的網站(zhàn)提供經營性互聯網信息服務,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴應從(cóng)政府機構獲得經營性網站(zhàn)的增值電信許可證;和(hé)
    • 如果渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴是使用(yòng)在線服務的互聯網信息服務提供商,渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴應保留所提供信息、發布時(shí)間和(hé)域名的互聯網地址等記錄,并根據适用(yòng)法律在相關政府部門(mén)提出要求時(shí)協助提供此類信息。

12.12     支持。世紀互聯支持在線服務,但(dàn)世紀互聯不爲任何非世紀互聯産品提供支持,也(yě)不爲從(cóng)有意提供在線服務的國家/地區(qū)以外(wài)的區(qū)域訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)在線服務提供支持。如果你(nǐ)需要聯系世紀互聯并了(le)解在線服務,請(qǐng)訪問 /Dynamics365/

12.13     豁免。對(duì)任何違反本協議(yì)之行爲的豁免并非對(duì)任何其他(tā)違約行爲的豁免。任何豁免必須以書面形式提供并由豁免方的授權代表簽字。

12.14     通知(zhī)。除非第 4.4 條另有規定,否則根據本協議(yì)發出的通知(zhī)将按如下(xià)規定提供:

12.14.1    通知(zhī)渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴。除非本協議(yì)另有明(míng)确規定,否則世紀互聯通常将在線服務相關通知(zhī)發布在服務門(mén)戶或其他(tā)指定位置。世紀互聯特别向渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴發出的通知(zhī)(例如,違規、暫停或終止通知(zhī))将通過電子郵件發送至世紀互聯在渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴注冊在線服務過程中所收到(dào)的地址,或世紀互聯根據第 2.2 條收到(dào)的任何更新後的電子郵件地址。世紀互聯發送電子郵件時(shí),無論渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴是否收到(dào)了(le)該電子郵件,均視(shì)爲渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴已收到(dào)發送至任何此類電子郵件地址的任何電子郵件。

12.14.2    通知(zhī)世紀互聯。發送給世紀互聯的本協議(yì)相關所有通知(zhī):(A) 必須以書面形式(不包括電子郵件)立即發送到(dào)下(xià)面的地址;和(hé) (B) 将在以下(xià)世紀互聯收件人收到(dào)時(shí)視(shì)爲已送達。正常使用(yòng)在線服務過程中的通信(不包括與違規或索賠相關的通知(zhī))可通過以下(xià)方式發送:/Dynamics365/



12-14F, Building 6, No.6 Jiuxianqiao Road, Beijing Electronics Zone, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100015, China

北京市朝陽區(qū)酒仙橋 6 号電子城(chéng)國際電子總部 6 号樓 12-14 層 郵編:100015


世紀互聯将在驗證渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴身份後的 30 天内回複渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴。


12.15     解釋。本協議(yì)将根據其普通含義進行解釋,不假定它應該有利于任何一方。除非另有說明(míng)或上(shàng)下(xià)文(wén)另有要求,否則:(A) 所有内部引用(yòng)均指本協議(yì)及其各方;(B) 所有貨币金(jīn)額均以人民币(“RMB”)表示和(hé)支付(如适用(yòng));(C) “”指日曆日;(D) “可以”指适用(yòng)的一方有權利,但(dàn)不具有相應的義務;(E) “合作(zuò)夥伴”,如果在本協議(yì)或相關文(wén)件中使用(yòng),則代表其常用(yòng)營銷意義,并不意味着合夥;(F) “通知(zhī)”指根據第 12.16 條(如适用(yòng))發出通知(zhī)(而名詞性的“通知(zhī)”指的是符合第 12.16 條規定的通知(zhī)) (G) “當前”或“當前地”指“截至生效日期”,但(dàn)“當時(shí)”指行使适用(yòng)權利或提供或計(jì)量性能(néng)的時(shí)間;(H) URL 應理(lǐ)解爲還指代使用(yòng)此類 URL 的網站(zhàn)内鏈接的後繼者、本地化和(hé)信息或資源;(I) “包括”、“例如”、“諸如此類”、“不包括”、“比如”或類似詞語之後的示例列表被視(shì)爲包括“但(dàn)不限于”;和(hé) (J) “”一詞被視(shì)爲包容性“或”;和(hé) (K) 本協議(yì)下(xià)的一方選擇權由其自(zì)行決定。

12.16     字體組件。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴使用(yòng)在線服務或 Dynamics 軟件時(shí),渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴可以使用(yòng)由在線服務或 Dynamics 軟件已安裝的字體來(lái)顯示和(hé)打印内容。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴隻能(néng)在字體嵌入限制允許的情況下(xià)在内容中嵌入字體,并将字體暫時(shí)下(xià)載到(dào)打印機或其他(tā)輸出設備以打印内容。

12.17     非排他(tā)性。本協議(yì)是非排他(tā)性的。渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴可以随意許可、使用(yòng)、推薦或支持非世紀互聯産品。

12.18     完整協議(yì)。本協議(yì)(包括 OST 的并入部分)是渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴與世紀互聯之間關于在線服務的完整協議(yì),它取代渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴與世紀互聯之間關于其标的物的所有先前或同期的通信和(hé)提案(電子、口頭或書面)。





由世紀互聯運營的微軟 Dynamics 的生命周期服務(LCS


最後修訂時(shí)間:2019 年 4 月

本在線服務協議(yì)(“協議(yì)”)是客戶(在第 1 條中定義)與北京世紀互聯寬帶數據中心有限公司的全資子公司上(shàng)上海金木魚網絡科技有限公司(“世紀互聯”)訂立的合同。通過在在線服務(在第 1 條中定義)的用(yòng)戶界面中表明(míng)接受或通過注冊、激活或使用(yòng)在線服務,你(nǐ)(代表客戶接受本協議(yì)的個人)代表客戶簽訂本協議(yì),并且你(nǐ)聲明(míng)并擔保你(nǐ)有權簽訂本協議(yì)并使客戶受其約束。通過注冊、激活或使用(yòng)在線服務,表明(míng)客戶承認接受本協議(yì)。如果客戶不同意本協議(yì),則不得使用(yòng)在線服務。無論何時(shí)訪問或使用(yòng)在線服務,客戶都将遵守本協議(yì)。

1 定義

關聯公司”指擁一方、被一方擁有或與一方共同由他(tā)方擁有的任何法律實體。就本定義而言,“所有權”是指控制超過 50% 的權益。

渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴”指符合以下(xià)條件的法律實體:(A) 是一家系統集成商,已與世紀互聯簽署協議(yì),授權該實體營銷在線服務并分發任何 Dynamics 軟件的許可或訂閱;或 (B) 是一家獨立軟件供應商,已與世紀互聯簽署協議(yì),邀請(qǐng)此軟件供應商爲任何 Dynamics 軟件開(kāi)發軟件或服務。


客戶”指獲得僅供其自(zì)身使用(yòng) Dynamics 軟件的許可、訂閱或其他(tā)權利的法律實體,且該法律實體不得将此類權利轉售、再分發、用(yòng)于商業托管或其他(tā)類似目的。


Dynamics 軟件”指世紀互聯爲了(le)使用(yòng)在線服務進行部署,而通常以基于 Web 的由世紀互聯托管和(hé)運營的雲服務形式單獨發布的任何微軟 Dynamics 技術。Dynamics 軟件不包括在線服務。

生效日期”在第 7.1 條中定義。

非世紀互聯産品”指任何第三方(或第三方品牌)軟件(在線、脫機、基于 Web 或其他(tā))、數據、服務(例如,在線、實施、自(zì)定義或咨詢)、網站(zhàn)、硬件、流程、内容或産品。

在線服務”指世紀互聯托管和(hé)運營的在線服務,即世紀互聯根據本協議(yì)提供的微軟 Dynamics 的生命周期服務(或任何後續服務),包括對(duì)在線服務的任何修複、補丁、錯誤更正、服務包、添加、版本發布以及任何其他(tā)修訂,具體由世紀互聯決定(可以添加、更改或删除先前版本的在線服務中所提供的特性或功能(néng))。

在線服務帳戶 ID”指客戶進行身份驗證并登錄在線服務時(shí)必須使用(yòng)的憑據。

在線服務要求”指客戶爲了(le)訪問或使用(yòng)在線服務而必須滿足并保持的憑據、條件和(hé)标準。在線服務要求包括:(A) 與世紀互聯簽訂的有效客戶協議(yì)(例如,“在線服務高(gāo)級協議(yì)”)(“客戶協議(yì)”);(B) 使用(yòng)适用(yòng)的 Dynamics 軟件時(shí)所需的有效許可的内部使用(yòng)權利;(C) 有效的在線服務帳戶 ID;和(hé) (D) 服務門(mén)戶中指定的任何其他(tā)适用(yòng)要求。


許可用(yòng)戶”指符合以下(xià)條件的任何個人或實體:(A) 客戶授權其訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)在線服務、Dynamics軟件、客戶數據或支持數據;和(hé) (B) 客戶未取消其進行此類訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)的授權。





支持數據”指通過與世紀互聯的協議(yì)由客戶或代表客戶向世紀互聯提供的(或客戶授權世紀互聯從(cóng)在線服務或 Dynamics 軟件獲取的)所有數據,包括所有文(wén)本、聲音(yīn)、視(shì)頻、圖像文(wén)件或軟件,以獲取在線服務或 Dynamics 軟件的技術支持。

2 啓動在線服務

2.1  要求。客戶必須在整個期限内滿足在線服務的要求,以激活并繼續使用(yòng)在線服務。如果客戶不符合在線服務的要求,則必須停止使用(yòng)在線服務。世紀互聯可定期檢查客戶是否符合這(zhè)些(xiē)要求,并将盡合理(lǐ)的努力通知(zhī)客戶不合規情況。如果客戶不符合要求,世紀互聯無需發出通知(zhī)即可随時(shí)限制或暫停客戶對(duì)在線服務的訪問或使用(yòng)。爲清楚起見,維護待履行客戶協議(yì)(在第 1 條中定義)是一項在線服務要求和(hé)繼續使用(yòng)在線服務的先決條件,但(dàn)任何客戶協議(yì)均不适用(yòng)于在線服務本身(盡管它可能(néng)适用(yòng)于從(cóng)屬軟件(在第 6.2 條中定義))。

2.2  聯系信息注冊在線服務時(shí),客戶将提供客戶的真實身份和(hé)聯系信息,并在此信息變更時(shí)立即在服務門(mén)戶中進行更新。世紀互聯将使用(yòng)此信息與客戶聯系,詳情如隐私聲明(míng)中所述。客戶保證客戶所提供的信息是真實、完整且有效的,否則客戶将對(duì)後果承擔全部責任。

2.3  工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)管理(lǐ)。客戶可以不時(shí)地使用(yòng)在線服務來(lái)爲渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴或其他(tā)第三方創建包含 Dynamics 軟件的工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)(例如,實施項目),或者渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴或其他(tā)第三方可以邀請(qǐng)客戶到(dào)現(xiàn)有工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)。世紀互聯對(duì)任何此類工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)的管理(lǐ)沒有直接的職責,此類工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)僅由客戶管理(lǐ)或由客戶及其渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴或此類第三方共同管理(lǐ)。客戶承認,如果其作(zuò)爲渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴或其他(tā)第三方的許可用(yòng)戶,則受該渠道(dào)合作(zuò)夥伴或其他(tā)第三方的許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款(在第 2.5.1 條中定義)的約束,根據該使用(yòng)條款,其可能(néng)無法訪問該工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)。

2.4  許可用(yòng)戶。客戶将授權許可用(yòng)戶訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)在線服務以及 Dynamics 軟件(如适用(yòng))。如果在線服務或 Dynamics 軟件(如适用(yòng))允許,客戶可向在線服務或 Dynamics 軟件中添加許可用(yòng)戶或從(cóng)中删除許可用(yòng)戶。

2.4.1 世紀互聯。客戶可以要求非世紀互聯許可用(yòng)戶同意其訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)客戶于在線服務中創建的工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū),或提供的任何客戶數據或支持數據的條款(“許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款”)。任何許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款将要求許可用(yòng)戶至少同意:(A) 許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款僅适用(yòng)于客戶和(hé)許可用(yòng)戶之間,對(duì)于許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款,或對(duì)于客戶、許可用(yòng)戶或兩者的任何第三方代理(lǐ)的作(zuò)爲或不作(zuò)爲,世紀互聯不以任何方式承擔責任;和(hé) (B) 由許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款或許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)在線服務中的任何工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)引起或與之相關的任何争議(yì)僅存在于客戶和(hé)許可用(yòng)戶之間。世紀互聯可依賴任何非世紀互聯許可用(yòng)戶提供的信息或說明(míng)。

2.4.2 世紀互聯。客戶被視(shì)爲已向任何世紀互聯許可用(yòng)戶授予許可,允許其訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)客戶的在線服務工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)、客戶數據和(hé)支持數據。如果客戶要求世紀互聯同意許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款,以獲取對(duì)客戶的在線服務工(gōng)作(zuò)區(qū)、客戶數據或支持數據的訪問或使用(yòng)權,則即使任何世紀互聯人員聲稱接受該許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款,其仍被視(shì)爲已被世紀互聯拒絕,并且不适用(yòng)于世紀互聯。

2.5  預覽版。世紀互聯可以提供預覽版。如果客戶使用(yòng)(或嘗試使用(yòng))預覽版,則本第 2.5 條中的條款将适用(yòng)。世紀互聯會(huì)将預覽版内容标記爲“測試版”、“預發布版”、“預覽版”或類似名稱。預覽版僅爲便利而提供,除非世紀互聯在另行簽署的書面文(wén)件中明(míng)确規定,否則不得在生産或“實時(shí)操作(zuò)”環境中使用(yòng)預覽版。如果客戶在生産或“實時(shí)操作(zuò)”環境中使用(yòng)任何預覽版,世紀互聯對(duì)任何數據洩露或損失概不負責。世紀互聯可以随時(shí)更改或中止預覽版,恕不另行通知(zhī)。預覽版中:(A) 可能(néng)缺少或禁用(yòng)了(le)某些(xiē)功能(néng);(B) 可能(néng)包含的 bug 或其他(tā)錯誤會(huì)導緻其無法正常運行;(C) 采用(yòng)的隐私和(hé)安全措施少于或不同于商業版本在線服務或任何 Dynamics 軟件中通常存在的措施;(D) 除非另有說明(míng),否則不受任何适用(yòng)于在線服務的商業版本或任何 Dynamics 軟件的服務水(shuǐ)平協議(yì)的約束;并且 (E) 被視(shì)爲包含在在線服務中并受本協議(yì)條款的約束(除非此類預覽版可能(néng)附帶的任何單獨條款中另有與本協議(yì)沖突或作(zuò)爲本協議(yì)補充的說明(míng),或本協議(yì)中另有說明(míng),包括此處的第 2.5 條)。客戶全權負責評估預覽版以及從(cóng)中生成的任何報(bào)告或輸出。客戶不得使用(yòng)預覽版來(lái)處理(lǐ)個人數據或受法律或法規合規性要求約束的其他(tā)數據。根據第 4.2 條從(cóng) OST 并入的以下(xià)條款不适用(yòng)于預覽版:個人數據的處理(lǐ)、GDPR 和(hé)數據安全。

2.5.1 不保證。在選擇使用(yòng)預覽版時(shí),客戶不得依賴于世紀互聯提供任何未來(lái)的功能(néng)或特性,也(yě)不得依賴于有關預覽版或産品路線圖的任何評論。世紀互聯可能(néng)會(huì)在最終的商業版本(如果有)中對(duì)預覽版進行大(dà)幅變更,或者世紀互聯可能(néng)選擇不發布商業版本。商業版本(如果有)可能(néng)受本協議(yì)或其他(tā)協議(yì)的約束,即使預覽版是免費的,商業版本也(yě)可能(néng)需要付費。

2.5.2 支持。世紀互聯沒有義務爲預覽版提供技術支持。如果世紀互聯提供任何技術支持,則可以在預覽版提供的詳細信息中找到(dào)有關此類支持的信息。世紀互聯爲預覽版可能(néng)提供的任何支持均按“原樣”提供、“包含所有錯誤”,并且沒有擔保。

3 使用(yòng)在線服務的權利

3.1  許可。根據本協議(yì)的條款,世紀互聯向客戶授予有限的、不可轉讓的、非獨占的、可撤銷的必要版權許可,以便在期限内訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)在線服務。客戶隻能(néng)根據本協議(yì)(以及世紀互聯可能(néng)在任何預覽版中提供的任何單獨條款)使用(yòng)在線服務。

3.2  反饋。世紀互聯可以使用(yòng)客戶或其許可用(yòng)戶提供的任何反饋,包括客戶或其許可用(yòng)戶指定爲機密的反饋。客戶将不會(huì),并且将導緻其許可用(yòng)戶不會(huì)在任何反饋中包含任何客戶數據、個人數據或受法律或法規合規性要求約束的其他(tā)數據。客戶免費向世紀互聯提供以任何方式和(hé)任何目的使用(yòng)、分享和(hé)不受限制地商業化此類反饋的權利。客戶還免費向第三方提供任何含有此類反饋的世紀互聯産品或服務的使用(yòng)權或與之連接的權利。客戶聲明(míng)并保證其擁有或以其他(tā)方式控制此類反饋的所有權利,并且此類反饋不受任何第三方權利的約束。“反饋”指客戶(包括其許可用(yòng)戶)向世紀互聯提供的有關在線服務或世紀互聯軟件(包括 Dynamics 軟件)的所有評論、建議(yì)或反饋。

3.3  可接受的使用(yòng)政策。在以下(xià)情況下(xià),客戶不得使用(yòng)在線服務:(A) 采取法律、法規、政府命令或法令禁止的使用(yòng)方式; (B) 侵犯他(tā)人的權利; (C) 嘗試未經授權訪問或破壞任何服務、設備、數據、帳戶或網絡; (D) 發送垃圾郵件或分發惡意軟件; (E) 使用(yòng)方式可能(néng)損害在線服務、任何世紀互聯軟件(包括 Dynamics 軟件),或損害其他(tā)人對(duì)此類服務和(hé)軟件的使用(yòng);或者 (F)在任何應用(yòng)中或任何情況下(xià),在線服務的故障可能(néng)導緻任何人死亡或出現(xiàn)嚴重身體傷害,或嚴重的物理(lǐ)性損壞或環境損害。客戶不得繞開(kāi)在線服務、世紀互聯軟件(包括 Dynamics 軟件)或世紀互聯系統中的任何技術或功能(néng)限制。違反本第 3.3 條中的條款可能(néng)導緻在線服務暫停或本協議(yì)終止。世紀互聯将僅在合理(lǐ)需要的範圍内暫停在線服務。除非世紀互聯認爲需要立即暫停在線服務,否則世紀互聯将在暫停客戶對(duì)在線服務的訪問之前提供合理(lǐ)的通知(zhī)。

3.4  技術限制。除非獲得明(míng)确授權,客戶不得從(cóng)在線服務下(xià)載或以其他(tā)方式删除軟件、源代碼或其他(tā)内容或材料的副本。與在線服務或任何Dynamics 軟件相關并且均受第 4.2 條約束的情況下(xià),世紀互聯可以使用(yòng)從(cóng)客戶數據或支持數據中獲得或了(le)解的任何信息或數據,前提是此類使用(yòng)不包括或披露客戶數據或支持數據,并且不得通過此類用(yòng)途對(duì)任何客戶數據或支持數據進行逆向工(gōng)程。保留本協議(yì)中未明(míng)确授予的所有權利。未經客戶的許可,世紀互聯不得将客戶數據或支持數據,或從(cóng)此類數據中獲取的信息用(yòng)于廣告或類似商業目的。

3.5  保密。各協議(yì)方應:(A) 保護另一方根據本協議(yì)共享的機密信息,防止未經授權地傳播這(zhè)些(xiē)信息,并采用(yòng)其保護其自(zì)身信息的同等程度保護這(zhè)些(xiē)信息,但(dàn)絕不能(néng)低(dī)于合理(lǐ)的謹慎程度;(B) 根據本協議(yì)僅在必要時(shí)使用(yòng)另一方的機密信息;和(hé) (C) 在任何情況下(xià),未經另一方事(shì)先書面許可,不得向任何第三方披露另一方的機密信息。但(dàn)是,可以根據司法或其他(tā)政府命令披露機密信息,條件是遵守該命令的一方給予關于此類披露的合理(lǐ)通知(zhī),使另一方有合理(lǐ)的機會(huì)尋求保護令或同等效力的措施;或者從(cóng)适用(yòng)的司法或政府實體獲得具有法律約束力的保證,該實體将爲機密信息提供保護,保護程度将與其根據适用(yòng)法律或按法律要求保護其類似專有信息和(hé)機密信息的程度相同。也(yě)可能(néng)将機密信息披露給接收方的人員(受到(dào)書面保密義務的約束,其約束力不低(dī)于本協議(yì)的限制)及其關聯公司,披露程度均僅限于此類人員或關聯公司爲妥善履行本協議(yì)而合理(lǐ)地需要知(zhī)道(dào)此類機密信息的程度。本第 3.5 條中的保密義務适用(yòng)于 (x) 客戶數據和(hé)支持數據,直至從(cóng)在線服務中删除此類數據爲止;(y) 預覽版,除非并直至預覽版被公開(kāi);和(hé) (z) 所有其他(tā)機密信息,保密期限爲在一方收到(dào)機密信息後的五(5)年内。“機密信息”指披露方指定爲機密的非公開(kāi)信息,或者在披露的情況下(xià)應當視(shì)爲機密的非公開(kāi)信息;預覽版被視(shì)爲世紀互聯的機密信息;并且客戶數據、支持數據以及世紀互聯協議(yì)的條款也(yě)是機密信息。機密信息不包括以下(xià)信息:(1) 在沒有違反保密義務的情況下(xià)可公開(kāi)獲得的信息;(2) 接收方不違反保密義務,通過合法方式從(cóng)其他(tā)來(lái)源獲得的信息;(3) 獨立開(kāi)發的信息;或 (4) 反饋。

3.6  停機時(shí)間。世紀互聯可能(néng)安排時(shí)間中斷在線服務,以進行升級、更新或其他(tā)維護(“計(jì)劃停機時(shí)間”)。世紀互聯将做出商業上(shàng)合理(lǐ)的努力,提前通知(zhī)客戶該計(jì)劃停機時(shí)間。客戶可能(néng)無法在計(jì)劃停機時(shí)間内訪問或使用(yòng)在線服務、任何 Dynamics 軟件或任何非世紀互聯産品;此類無法訪問不被視(shì)爲違反本協議(yì)。在不限制上(shàng)述規定的情況下(xià),不存在适用(yòng)于在線服務的服務水(shuǐ)平保證或正常運行時(shí)間要求,除非且僅在服務門(mén)戶中存在明(míng)确的相反表述。

4 數據保護

4.1  數據保留和(hé)删除。在期限内,客戶可以訪問、提取和(hé)删除存儲于在線服務中的客戶數據。除免費試用(yòng)版和(hé)預覽版,以及第 4.1 條中另有規定外(wài),世紀互聯将在客戶的在線服務訪問權限終止後的 90 天内将存儲于在線服務中的客戶數據保留在一個功能(néng)有限的帳戶中,以便客戶可以提取數據。在 90 天保留期結束後,世紀互聯将禁用(yòng)客戶帳戶并在後續 90 天内删除客戶數據和(hé)個人數據,除非 世紀互聯:(A) 根據适用(yòng)的法律或法規被允許或被要求保留此類數據;(B) 經本協議(yì)授權;或 (C) 僅限于客戶于在線服務中擁有多個角色,并且部分客戶數據或個人數據對(duì)多個此類角色是共用(yòng)的,在這(zhè)種情況下(xià),世紀互聯将保留此類共用(yòng)數據,直至客戶所有此類角色的在線服務訪問權終止。在線服務可能(néng)不支持保留或提取由客戶提供的任何非世紀互聯産品。就第 4.1 條而言,一旦客戶沒有任何從(cóng)屬軟件(在第 6.2 條中定義)的待履行訂閱或待履行支持協議(yì),“客戶的在線服務訪問權”即被視(shì)爲終止。世紀互聯對(duì)第 4.1 條中描述的客戶數據或個人數據的删除不承擔任何責任。

4.2  數據保護條款。本協議(yì)包括并通過引用(yòng)方式并入 OST 中題爲“數據保護條款”的部分或其他(tā)明(míng)确與數據處理(lǐ)或保護有關的部分(包括标準合同條款和(hé)歐盟通用(yòng)數據保護條例,均已并入 OST 中),但(dàn)明(míng)确排除特定于具體指名的在線服務的任何條款。僅出于解釋本協議(yì)範圍内從(cóng) OST 并入的條款的目的,在此類并入條款中提到(dào)的任何定義在本協議(yì)和(hé) OST 中均有定義,則以本協議(yì)中的定義爲準。

4.3  數據位置。世紀互聯僅在中國存儲客戶數據,除非世紀互聯使用(yòng) Microsoft Azure Email Orchestrator 向在線服務的用(yòng)戶發送系統生成的電子郵件,以提供服務請(qǐng)求的确認或狀态更新。收件人的電子郵件地址和(hé)電子郵件内容将在美(měi)國存儲一段有限的時(shí)間。客戶同意傳輸此信息。

4.4  安全做法和(hé)策略。世紀互聯将實施并維持适當的技術措施和(hé)組織措施,以保護客戶數據和(hé)個人數據。這(zhè)些(xiē)措施将在世紀互聯安全策略中進行闡述。世紀互聯将向客戶提供該策略,以及有關在線服務的安全控制說明(míng)和(hé)由客戶合理(lǐ)要求的其他(tā)世紀互聯安全實踐和(hé)策略信息。此外(wài),這(zhè)些(xiē)措施将符合 ISO 27001、ISO 27002 和(hé) ISO 27018 中規定的要求。世紀互聯不會(huì)淘汰 ISO 27001、ISO 27002 或 ISO 27018,除非這(zhè)些(xiē)标準在行業中已不再使用(yòng),并且已由後繼者(如果有)取代。

4.5  聯系世紀互聯。如果客戶認爲世紀互聯沒有遵守其隐私或安全承諾,客戶可聯系以下(xià)網站(zhàn)上(shàng)的客戶支持:/Dynamics365/

5 第三方事(shì)項

世紀互聯可通過客戶對(duì)在線服務的使用(yòng)向客戶提供非世紀互聯産品(例如通過商店(diàn)或圖庫或其他(tā)集成)。客戶對(duì)非世紀互聯産品的使用(yòng)可能(néng)受第三方條款和(hé)條件的約束。如果客戶通過在線服務或任何 Dynamics 軟件來(lái)安裝或使用(yòng)任何非世紀互聯産品,客戶不得以任何方式使世紀互聯的知(zhī)識産權承擔超出本協議(yì)範圍的義務。世紀互聯對(duì)任何非世紀互聯産品(包括客戶在任何此類非世紀互聯産品中的任何知(zhī)識産權)不承擔任何責任或義務。如果客戶通過在線服務或任何 Dynamics 軟件來(lái)安裝或使用(yòng)任何非世紀互聯産品:(A) 在世紀互聯和(hé)客戶之間,客戶承擔此類非世紀互聯産品的全部責任,并将遵守世紀互聯可能(néng)實施的所有适用(yòng)策略和(hé)流程; (B) 自(zì)客戶首次向世紀互聯提供此類非世紀互聯産品起,并持續到(dào)世紀互聯從(cóng)其系統中删除此類非世紀互聯産品爲止,客戶授予世紀互聯非獨家、免版稅、已全額付款的許可,以托管、使用(yòng)、分發、複制和(hé)以其他(tā)方式在全球範圍内訪問此類非世紀互聯産品。

6 在線服務的變更

6.1  變更和(hé)取消。除非本協議(yì)另有明(míng)确規定,否則世紀互聯可随時(shí)更改在線服務或相應 Dynamics 軟件,恕不另行通知(zhī)。客戶可在提前 30 天通知(zhī)世紀互聯的情況下(xià)取消在線服務。

6.2  停止服務。如果沒有提供後繼者或服務,世紀互聯将在結束對(duì)在線服務的支持前至少 12 個月發出通知(zhī),免費試用(yòng)服務或預覽版除外(wài)。盡管本協議(yì)中存在上(shàng)述内容或任何相反的内容,但(dàn)僅限于客戶必須通過在線服務訪問或使用(yòng)任何 Dynamics 軟件(“從(cóng)屬軟件”)、客戶維持對(duì)從(cóng)屬軟件的待履行訂閱或待履行支持協議(yì)并且停止在線服務将阻止此類訪問或使用(yòng)的情況下(xià),世紀互聯才不會(huì)停止在線服務。

7 期限和(hé)終止

7.1  期限。本協議(yì)的期限(“期限”)始于客戶或其簽字人同意受本協議(yì)約束的最早日期(“生效日期”),如本協議(yì)第一段所述,并将持續至協議(yì)終止。

7.2  終止。如果任何一方違反本協議(yì)并且在違約通知(zhī)後的 30 天内未能(néng)解決此類違約問題,則另一方可在發出通知(zhī)後立即終止本協議(yì)。客戶也(yě)可以提前 60 天向世紀互聯發出通知(zhī)後,出于任何原因或無理(lǐ)由終止本協議(yì)。如果根據第 6 條停止在線服務,本協議(yì)将自(zì)動終止。如果本協議(yì)因任何原因對(duì)客戶而言已終止,它将自(zì)動對(duì)所有許可用(yòng)戶終止。

7.3  存續條款。以下(xià)條款将在本協議(yì)終止後繼續有效:第 1 條(定義)、第 3.2 條(反饋)、第 3.5 條(保密,如本條所述)、第 7.3 條(存續條款)、第 8 條(擔保和(hé)免責聲明(míng))、第 9 條(世紀互聯的侵權索賠抗辯)、第 10 條(客戶的索賠抗辯)、第 11 條(責任限制)和(hé)第 12 條(一般條款)。從(cóng) OST 中并入的條款的存續與 OST 中所述的一緻。

8 擔保和(hé)免責聲明(míng)

8.1  客戶。除本協議(yì)序言中的擔保外(wài),客戶始終向世紀互聯聲明(míng)并擔保:(A) 出于任何目的或以任何方式使用(yòng)在線服務不會(huì)使世紀互聯承擔本協議(yì)之外(wài)的任何義務;(B) 它擁有根據本協議(yì)授予許可所需的一切權利;(C) 它已擁有或将獲得并保持對(duì)客戶數據、支持數據以及所使用(yòng)的任何在線服務相關其他(tā)數據、軟件和(hé)服務(包括任何非世紀互聯産品和(hé)其他(tā)第三方内容和(hé)材料)的所有必要權利;(D)世紀互聯對(duì)任何客戶數據和(hé)支持數據的使用(yòng),以及對(duì)本協議(yì)下(xià)授予的權利和(hé)許可的行使,現(xiàn)在和(hé)将來(lái)都不會(huì)侵占或侵犯任何第三方的知(zhī)識産權或其他(tā)所有權或以其他(tā)方式違反任何法律;以及 (E) 客戶數據和(hé)支持數據不包括國家機密,或者,如果任何客戶數據或支持數據構成國家機密,則客戶已獲得必要的批準,可以向世紀互聯及其關聯公司、承包商和(hé)供應商披露國家機密。

8.2  免責聲明(míng)。在線服務、任何服務門(mén)戶、Dynamics 軟件以及世紀互聯或其供應商提供的與在線服務相關的任何技術、材料、系統、基礎結構或信息均按原樣提供,不作(zuò)任何擔保。世紀互聯不做任何擔保(明(míng)示、暗示、法定或其他(tā)擔保,包括适銷性、特定用(yòng)途的适用(yòng)性、令人滿意的質量、不侵權、所有權的暗示擔保,以及在任何交易過程或商業慣例中産生的任何擔保)。除非适用(yòng)法律另有要求,否則這(zhè)些(xiē)免責聲明(míng)将适用(yòng)。

8.3  高(gāo)風(fēng)險活動。世紀互聯代表其自(zì)身及其供應商對(duì)在線服務在高(gāo)風(fēng)險活動中的适用(yòng)性不做任何明(míng)示或暗示的擔保,高(gāo)風(fēng)險活動包括核設施、航空(kōng)器導航或通信系統、空(kōng)中交通管制、直接生命支持機器或武器系統的操作(zuò)。

9 條世紀互聯對(duì)特定第三方索賠的抗辯

9.1  職責和(hé)流程。  根據第 9.1 和(hé) 9.2 條的規定,世紀互聯應:(A) 對(duì)于無關聯的第三方指控由世紀互聯提供并根據本協議(yì)獲得許可使用(yòng)的在線服務侵犯或侵占該第三方知(zhī)識産權所提出的索賠,爲客戶、客戶的關聯公司及其每個子公司、董事(shì)、高(gāo)級職員、雇員、代理(lǐ)或獨立承包商進行抗辯(“世紀互聯保障的索賠”);并且 (B) 支付任何因世紀互聯保障的索賠所産生的不利最終判決(或世紀互聯同意的和(hé)解)。客戶應:(y) 及時(shí)通知(zhī)世紀互聯有關世紀互聯保障的索賠,并給予世紀互聯對(duì)抗辯與和(hé)解的唯一控制權,盡管客戶可以自(zì)行承擔費用(yòng)參加此過程;并且 (z) 就任何世紀互聯保障的索賠所進行的抗辯向世紀互聯提供合理(lǐ)的協助。世紀互聯對(duì)客戶未經世紀互聯事(shì)先書面許可(不得無理(lǐ)限制、延遲或拒絕給予此類許可)所做的任何和(hé)解不承擔任何責任。世紀互聯對(duì)專利索賠進行抗辯和(hé)償付的義務将僅限于在線服務本身在未經組合或修改的情況下(xià)構成對(duì)該專利的直接或共同侵權的專利索賠。

9.2  限制。世紀互聯根據本第 9 條承擔的義務将不适用(yòng)基于以下(xià)情況的世紀互聯保障的索賠、不利的最終判決或和(hé)解:(A) 任何客戶數據、支持數據、非世紀互聯産品、指向第三方網站(zhàn)的鏈接或非世紀互聯内容或材料;(B) 在世紀互聯通知(zhī)客戶因第三方索賠而停止使用(yòng)在線服務之後,客戶仍使用(yòng)在線服務的任何部分,并由于其繼續使用(yòng)而産生損害;(C) 客戶将在線服務的任何部分與世紀互聯未提供或代表世紀互聯未提供的任何産品或服務進行組合,并且因該組合産生索賠;(D) 使用(yòng)任何非世紀互聯産品的價值所造成的損害;(E) 客戶未經世紀互聯明(míng)确事(shì)先書面同意,使用(yòng)任何世紀互聯商标; (F) 客戶在生産或“實時(shí)操作(zuò)”環境中使用(yòng)任何預覽版(除非在與世紀互聯的單獨書面協議(yì)中另有明(míng)确說明(míng));(G) 客戶以違反本協議(yì)的方式使用(yòng)在線服務,并因此違規行爲引起索賠;或 (H) 客戶在以下(xià)情況下(xià)獲得商業秘密而受到(dào)指控:(1) 通過不正當手段;(2) 在有責任維護其秘密或限制其使用(yòng)的情況下(xià);或 (3) 從(cóng)有責任爲第三方索賠人保密或限制商業秘密的使用(yòng)的任何一方(世紀互聯除外(wài))獲得。客戶将向世紀互聯償還因上(shàng)述任何行爲而導緻的任何費用(yòng)或損害。此外(wài),如果任何索賠、不利最終判決或和(hé)解因 Dynamics 軟件(而不是在線服務)産生或與之相關,世紀互聯将不承擔本第 9 條規定的義務;世紀互聯對(duì)與 Dynamics 軟件相關的任何此類索賠進行抗辯以及解決或支付任何此類判決或和(hé)解的義務(如果有)在客戶獲得訪問權限及此類 Dynamics 軟件的訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)權協議(yì)中進行規定。

9.3  具體權利和(hé)補救措施。

9.3.1 可能(néng)的侵權行爲。如果世紀互聯收到(dào)有關世紀互聯保障的索賠信息,世紀互聯可自(zì)行承擔費用(yòng)采取以下(xià)解決方式之一:(A) 爲客戶獲得繼續使用(yòng)涉嫌侵權的在線服務部分的權利;(B) 修改涉嫌侵權的在線服務部分,使其不侵權;或 (C) 用(yòng)非侵權的對(duì)等功能(néng)替換在線服務中涉嫌侵權的部分。收到(dào)世紀互聯的通知(zhī)後,客戶應立即停止使用(yòng)涉嫌侵權的在線服務。如果其對(duì)客戶提出了(le)針對(duì)世紀互聯知(zhī)識産權的任何其他(tā)類型的第三方索賠,客戶必須立即以書面形式通知(zhī)世紀互聯。世紀互聯可自(zì)行選擇這(zhè)些(xiē)索賠是否屬于第 9 條所涵蓋的範圍。

9.3.2 排他(tā)性補救措施。本第 9 條規定了(le)客戶的排他(tā)性補救措施和(hé)世紀互聯對(duì)世紀互聯保障的索賠的排他(tā)性義務(在世紀互聯不違反本第 9 條的情況下(xià))。

10 客戶的索賠抗辯

10.1       職責和(hé)流程。對(duì)于無關聯的第三方提出的以下(xià)索賠,客戶将爲世紀互聯、世紀互聯的關聯公司及其每個子公司、董事(shì)、高(gāo)級職員、雇員、代理(lǐ)或獨立承包商進行抗辯(“客戶保障的索賠”):(A) 指控客戶數據、支持數據、客戶的非世紀互聯産品、其他(tā)非世紀互聯内容或材料,或客戶(包括非世紀互聯許可用(yòng)戶)對(duì)在線服務的使用(yòng)(僅限于根據第 9 條世紀互聯有義務進行抗辯和(hé)支付的索賠)侵犯或侵占該第三方的知(zhī)識産權;(B) 如果指控屬實,則反映客戶違反本協議(yì);(C) 與客戶和(hé)非世紀互聯許可用(yòng)戶之間任何種類或性質的,由于許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款或其他(tā)原因引起的或與之相關的争議(yì)有關;(D) 與客戶在生産或“實時(shí)操作(zuò)”環境中使用(yòng)預覽版有關(E) 由非世紀互聯産品引起或與之相關的索賠,包括任何産品責任索賠;或 (F) 假如客戶已使用(yòng)第 2.5.1 條下(xià)的許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款有效地約束了(le)适用(yòng)的許可用(yòng)戶,則世紀互聯的賠償責任應減少。客戶還将支付客戶保障的索賠産生的任何不利最終判決(或客戶同意的和(hé)解)。世紀互聯将通知(zhī)客戶有關客戶保障的索賠,并通過客戶(與世紀互聯協商)選擇的合格律師将抗辯與和(hé)解的控制權交給客戶,盡管世紀互聯可自(zì)行承擔費用(yòng)參與其中。未經世紀互聯事(shì)先明(míng)确書面同意(不得無理(lǐ)限制、延遲或拒絕給予此類同意),客戶不得默認任何判決或訂立任何對(duì)世紀互聯權利或利益産生不利影響的和(hé)解或使世紀互聯有義務支付客戶根據本第 10.1 條在和(hé)解時(shí)尚未付清的任何款項。未經世紀互聯事(shì)先明(míng)确書面許可,客戶不得代表世紀互聯約定、認可或承認任何過錯或責任。客戶對(duì)世紀互聯未經客戶事(shì)先書面許可(不得無理(lǐ)限制、延遲或拒絕給予此類許可)所做的任何和(hé)解不承擔任何責任。世紀互聯還将在客戶合理(lǐ)要求且承擔費用(yòng)的情況下(xià)就任何客戶保障的索賠進行抗辯向客戶提供合理(lǐ)的協助。

10.2       排他(tā)性補救措施。本第 10 條規定了(le)世紀互聯的排他(tā)性補救措施和(hé)客戶對(duì)任何客戶保障的索賠的排他(tā)性義務(在客戶不違反本第 10 條的情況下(xià))。

11 責任限制

11.1       責任上(shàng)限。根據第 11.3 條并在适用(yòng)法律允許的範圍内,對(duì)于與本協議(yì)相關的所有索賠,各方對(duì)另一方的責任總額僅限于合理(lǐ)信任所産生的直接損害賠償,金(jīn)額不超過50元人民币。無論責任是基于違約、侵權(包括疏忽)、嚴格責任、違反擔保還是任何其他(tā)原則,均适用(yòng)此限制。爲清楚起見,世紀互聯對(duì)于客戶與任何非世紀互聯許可用(yòng)戶之間的任何許可用(yòng)戶使用(yòng)條款下(xià)的任何責任概不負責。

11.2       被排除的損害。在适用(yòng)法律允許的範圍内,無論索賠的法律依據如何,任何一方或其任何關聯公司、供應商或承包商均不對(duì)因本協議(yì)産生或與之相關的任何間接損害(包括間接的、特殊的、懲罰性或附帶的損害,或利潤或收入損失、業務中斷或業務信息丢失的損害)承擔責任,即使被告知(zhī)可能(néng)存在此類損害,或者産生此類損害的可能(néng)性是可合理(lǐ)預見的。

11.3       适用(yòng)性。第 11.1 條中的限制和(hé)第 11.2 條中的排除條款不适用(yòng)于:(A) 侵犯或盜用(yòng)另一方的知(zhī)識産權;(B 9 條或第 10 條下(xià)的義務或對(duì)此條款的違反;(C) 由于一方或其代理(lǐ)的重大(dà)過失或故意不當行爲造成的損害(在不承認重大(dà)過失和(hé)疏忽之間存在法律區(qū)别的司法管轄區(qū),重大(dà)過失魯莽);(D) 因一方的疏忽或其雇員或代理(lǐ)的疏忽造成的人身傷害或死亡;(E) 欺詐;或 (F) 違反有關機密信息的義務(與客戶數據或支持數據相關的義務除外(wài),這(zhè)些(xiē)數據受約束于第 11.1 條中的限制和(hé)第 11.2 條中的排除條款)。此外(wài),第 11.1 條中的限制不适用(yòng)于爲在線服務支付的費用(yòng)(如有)。

11.4       比較過錯。任何一方及其關聯公司均不對(duì)由于另一方或其代理(lǐ)或許可用(yòng)戶的錯誤、疏忽或過錯造成的任何損害負責(但(dàn)世紀互聯充當客戶的許可用(yòng)戶時(shí),本第 11.4 條中的前述内容不适用(yòng)于免除世紀互聯适用(yòng)的責任)。

11.5       對(duì)他(tā)人的責任。對(duì)于由客戶向其提供在線服務訪問權限的任何許可用(yòng)戶(世紀互聯除外(wài))對(duì)在線服務的任何使用(yòng)或采取的作(zuò)爲或不作(zuò)爲(包括關于非世紀互聯産品或其他(tā)非世紀互聯内容或材料、客戶數據或支持數據的行爲),客戶将承擔責任。任何許可用(yòng)戶(世紀互聯除外(wài))與在線服務相關的作(zuò)爲或不作(zuò)爲(以及因客戶違反本協議(yì)或未能(néng)采取行動而造成的任何許可用(yòng)戶違反本協議(yì)的任何其他(tā)作(zuò)爲或不作(zuò)爲)将被歸咎于客戶。對(duì)于客戶(或其非世紀互聯許可用(yòng)戶)與第三方、第三方網站(zhàn)或代表客戶的任何第三方進行的交互時(shí)出現(xiàn)的相關傷害或損害,世紀互聯不承擔任何責任。

12 一般條款

12.1       協議(yì)更改。世紀互聯可能(néng)定期更改本協議(yì)。更改協議(yì)後,世紀互聯将通知(zhī)客戶(根據第 12.14 條或通過其他(tā)商業合理(lǐ)的方式)并将在服務門(mén)戶上(shàng)發布适用(yòng)文(wén)檔的新版本,其中包括所有更改和(hé)新的“最後修訂”日期。如果客戶不同意更改,則必須取消或停止使用(yòng)在線服務。客戶在更改内容發布後繼續訪問或使用(yòng)在線服務即表示接受此類更改和(hé)本協議(yì)的約束。

12.2       可用(yòng)性。世紀互聯并未陳述本在線服務适合或可在所有地理(lǐ)位置使用(yòng)。如果客戶從(cóng)有意提供在線服務的國家/地區(qū)以外(wài)的國家/地區(qū)訪問或使用(yòng)在線服務的任何部分,客戶将自(zì)行承擔風(fēng)險,并自(zì)行負責遵守所有适用(yòng)的法律。

12.3       适用(yòng)法律。1980年《聯合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》(United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods)及其相關文(wén)書不适用(yòng)于本協議(yì)。在線服務、世紀互聯軟件和(hé) Dynamics 軟件受版權和(hé)其他(tā)知(zhī)識産權法律和(hé)國際條約的保護。中華人民共和(hé)國的法律适用(yòng)于本協議(yì)。

12.4       地點和(hé)管轄權。與本協議(yì)相關的任何訴訟或争議(yì)将由具有約束力的仲裁決定。仲裁将根據當時(shí)有效的規則在北京的中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會(huì)(“CIETAC”)進行。第 12.4 條并未阻止任何一方在任何适當的司法管轄區(qū)内針對(duì)違反知(zhī)識産權或保密義務而尋求禁令救濟。

12.5       争議(yì)。在任何一方(或其任何人員)按照第 12.4 條提出索賠之前,應提前 60 天向另一方提供書面通知(zhī),并在此 60 天期限内(如果雙方同意可延長時(shí)間),雙方授權代表将真誠合作(zuò),以解決争議(yì)。

12.6       律師費。在與本協議(yì)相關的任何争議(yì)中,勝訴方(包括任何上(shàng)訴)将有權收回其合理(lǐ)的律師費和(hé)開(kāi)支。

12.7       可分割性。如果本協議(yì)的任何部分被認爲是不可執行的,則将被視(shì)爲由盡可能(néng)與原始語言的意圖相匹配的可執行部分代替。本協議(yì)的其餘部分将繼續具有完全效力。

12.8       轉讓。世紀互聯可以随時(shí)全部或部分轉讓本協議(yì),恕不另行通知(zhī),包括轉讓給非世紀互聯實體。未經世紀互聯事(shì)先書面同意,客戶不得轉讓本協議(yì)或其下(xià)的任何權利或義務。如果未獲得此類同意,客戶的任何嘗試轉讓均無效。

12.9       第三方受益人。本協議(yì)沒有第三方受益人。

12.10     關系。協議(yì)雙方是獨立承包商。客戶不得聲稱自(zì)己是世紀互聯的代表、代理(lǐ)或雇員。本協議(yì)不構成合資企業、合夥、代理(lǐ)機構、信托或雇傭關系。世紀互聯及其供應商是獨立實體,世紀互聯不對(duì)此類第三方的任何行爲負責,也(yě)不受其約束。爲免生疑義,世紀互聯與客戶之間不存在合夥關系。

12.11     遵守法律。世紀互聯将遵守适用(yòng)于其提供在線服務的所有法律和(hé)法規,包括有關安全漏洞通知(zhī)的法律。但(dàn)是,世紀互聯不負責遵守适用(yòng)于客戶或客戶行業,但(dàn)通常不适用(yòng)于信息技術服務提供商的任何法律或法規。世紀互聯不确定客戶數據或支持數據是否包含受任何特定法律或法規約束的信息。


除了(le)本第 12.11 條中的上(shàng)述内容外(wài),客戶承認,根據中國法規:


  1. 違反中國憲法确定的基本原則;
  2. 損害國家安全,洩露國家機密,颠覆國家主權或危害國家統一;
  3. 損害國家的聲譽和(hé)利益;
  4. 煽動民族仇恨、民族歧視(shì)或破壞民族團結;
  5. 損害國家宗教政策或宣揚邪教或封建迷信;
  6. 散布謠言,擾亂社會(huì)秩序或破壞社會(huì)穩定;
  7. 散布淫穢、色情、賭博、暴力、兇殺和(hé)恐怖活動,或煽動犯罪;
  8. 侮辱或诽謗他(tā)人或侵犯其合法權益;和(hé)
  9. 法律或行政法規另有禁止的内容。



  • 如果客戶使用(yòng)在線服務運營的業務或組織需要獲得相關政府機構的許可或批準,客戶應獲得此類相關許可或批準,包括但(dàn)不限于:
    • 如果客戶的網站(zhàn)提供非經營性互聯網信息服務,客戶應向政府機構提交非經營性網站(zhàn)的備案;
    • 如果客戶的網站(zhàn)提供經營性互聯網信息服務,客戶應從(cóng)政府機構獲得經營性網站(zhàn)的增值電信許可證;和(hé)
    • 如果客戶是使用(yòng)在線服務的互聯網信息服務提供商,客戶應保留所提供信息、發布時(shí)間和(hé)域名的互聯網地址等記錄,并根據适用(yòng)法律在相關政府部門(mén)提出要求時(shí)協助提供此類信息。

12.12     支持。世紀互聯支持在線服務,但(dàn)世紀互聯不爲任何非世紀互聯産品提供支持,也(yě)不爲從(cóng)有意提供在線服務的國家/地區(qū)以外(wài)的區(qū)域訪問和(hé)使用(yòng)在線服務提供支持。如果你(nǐ)需要聯系世紀互聯并了(le)解在線服務,請(qǐng)訪問 /Dynamics365/

12.13     豁免。對(duì)任何違反本協議(yì)之行爲的豁免并非對(duì)任何其他(tā)違約行爲的豁免。任何豁免必須以書面形式提供并由豁免方的授權代表簽字。

12.14     通知(zhī)。除非第 4.4 條另有規定,否則根據本協議(yì)發出的通知(zhī)将按如下(xià)規定提供:

12.14.1 通知(zhī)客戶。除非本協議(yì)另有明(míng)确規定,否則世紀互聯通常将在線服務相關通知(zhī)發布在服務門(mén)戶或其他(tā)指定位置。世紀互聯特别向客戶發出的通知(zhī)(例如,違規、暫停或終止通知(zhī))将通過電子郵件發送至世紀互聯在客戶注冊在線服務過程中所收到(dào)的地址,或世紀互聯根據第 2.2 條收到(dào)的任何更新後的電子郵件地址。世紀互聯發送電子郵件時(shí),無論客戶是否收到(dào)了(le)該電子郵件,均視(shì)爲客戶已收到(dào)發送至任何此類電子郵件地址的任何電子郵件。

12.14.2 通知(zhī)世紀互聯。發送給世紀互聯的本協議(yì)相關所有通知(zhī):(A) 必須以書面形式(不包括電子郵件)立即發送到(dào)下(xià)面的地址;和(hé) (B) 将在以下(xià)世紀互聯收件人收到(dào)時(shí)視(shì)爲已送達。正常使用(yòng)在線服務過程中的通信(不包括與違規或索賠相關的通知(zhī))可通過以下(xià)方式發送: /Dynamics365/


12-14F, Building 6, No.6 Jiuxianqiao Road, Beijing Electronics Zone, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100015, China

北京市朝陽區(qū)酒仙橋 6 号電子城(chéng)國際電子總部 6 号樓 12-14 層 郵編:100015


世紀互聯将在驗證客戶身份後的 30 天内回複客戶。

12.15     解釋。本協議(yì)将根據其普通含義進行解釋,不假定它應該有利于任何一方。除非另有說明(míng)或上(shàng)下(xià)文(wén)另有要求,否則:(A) 所有内部引用(yòng)均指本協議(yì)及其各方; (B) 所有貨币金(jīn)額均以人民币(“RMB”)表示和(hé)支付(如适用(yòng)); (C) “”指日曆日; (D) “可以”指适用(yòng)的一方有權利,但(dàn)不具有相應的義務; (E) “合作(zuò)夥伴,”,如果在本協議(yì)或相關文(wén)件中使用(yòng),則代表其常用(yòng)營銷意義,并不意味着合夥; (F) “通知(zhī)”指根據第 12.16 條(如适用(yòng))發出通知(zhī)(而名詞性的“通知(zhī)”指的是符合第 12.16 條規定的通知(zhī)) (G) “當前”或“當前地”指“截至生效日期”,但(dàn)“當時(shí)”指行使适用(yòng)權利或提供或計(jì)量性能(néng)的時(shí)間; (H) URL 應理(lǐ)解爲還指代使用(yòng)此類 URL 的網站(zhàn)内鏈接的後繼者、本地化和(hé)信息或資源; (I) “包括”、“例如”、“諸如此類”、“不包括”、“比如”或類似詞語之後的示例列表被視(shì)爲包括“但(dàn)不限于”;和(hé) (J) “”一詞被視(shì)爲包容性“或”;和(hé) (K) 本協議(yì)下(xià)的一方選擇權由其自(zì)行決定。

12.16     字體組件。客戶使用(yòng)在線服務或 Dynamics 軟件時(shí),客戶可以使用(yòng)由在線服務或 Dynamics 軟件已安裝的字體來(lái)顯示和(hé)打印内容。客戶隻能(néng)在字體嵌入限制允許的情況下(xià)在内容中嵌入字體,并将字體暫時(shí)下(xià)載到(dào)打印機或其他(tā)輸出設備以打印内容。

12.17     非排他(tā)性。本協議(yì)是非排他(tā)性的。客戶可以随意許可、使用(yòng)、推薦或支持非世紀互聯産品。

12.18     完整協議(yì)。本協議(yì)(包括 OST 的并入部分)是客戶與世紀互聯之間關于在線服務的完整協議(yì),它取代客戶與世紀互聯之間關于其标的物的所有先前或同期的通信和(hé)提案(電子、口頭或書面)。


Combined Terms for
Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (China) operated by 21Vianet

Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (“LCS”) operated by Shanghai Blue Cloud Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Beijing 21Vianet Broadband Data Center Co., Ltd., (“21Vianet”) are cloud services based on Microsoft’s technology but operated by 21Vianet from data centers located in the People’s Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan, referred to below as “China”).

You are accessing LCS at any given time in the role of a Channel Partner or a Customer.  You may have more than one role overall in your various uses of LCS, but each access to LCS will be in a distinct role. When you access as a Channel Partner, the applicable terms of use are here.  When you access as a Customer, the applicable terms of use are here.  As used in this paragraph: (A) you are a “Customer” when you purchase licenses or subscriptions to Dynamics Software and access LCS to manage the implementation of this software for your organization; and (B) you are a “Channel Partner” when you access LCS to create solutions for Dynamics Software and make them available to Customers, deploy and manage Dynamics Software in your Microsoft Azure subscription or on your local servers, assist Customers with their implementations of Dynamics Software, or perform any of these activities.

These Combined Terms include: • Channel Partner Terms • Customer Terms.


Terms applicable to Channel Partners



Last Revised: April 2019

This Online Service Agreement (“Agreement”) is a contract between Channel Partner (defined in Section 1) and Shanghai Blue Cloud Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Beijing 21Vianet Broadband Data Center Co., Ltd., (“21Vianet”).  By indicating acceptance in the Online Service’s user interface or by registering for, activating, or using the Online Service (defined in Section 1), you (the individual accepting this Agreement on Channel Partner’s behalf) enter into this Agreement on Channel Partner’s behalf and you represent and warrant that you are authorized to do so and to bind Channel Partner to it.  By registering for, activating, or using the Online Service, Channel Partner is ratifying this acceptance.  Channel Partner may not use the Online Service if it does not agree to this Agreement.  Whenever accessing or using the Online Service, Channel Partner will comply with this Agreement.


Affiliate” means any legal entity that owns, is owned by, or that is under its common ownership with a party.  “Ownership” means, for purposes of this definition, control of more than a 50% interest.

Channel Partner Data” means all data, including all text, sound, video, or image files, and software, that are provided to 21Vianet by, or on behalf of, Channel Partner through use of the Online Service.  Channel Partner Data does not include Support Data.

Channel Partner” means the legal entity that (A) is a systems integrator that has signed an agreement with 21Vianet authorizing that entity to market the Online Service and distribute licenses or subscriptions for any Dynamics Software; or (B) is an independent software vendor that has signed an agreement with 21Vianet inviting such software vendor to develop software or services for any Dynamics Software.

China” means the People’s Republic of China, excluding Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan.

Customer” means any legal entity that acquires a license, subscription, or other right to use Dynamics Software for its own use and not to resell, redistribute, use for commercial hosting, or other similar purposes.

Dynamics Software” means any Microsoft Dynamics technology that 21Vianet makes generally available as a web-based 21Vianet hosted and operated cloud service for deployment using the Online Service.  Dynamics Software excludes the.

Effective Date” is defined in Section 7.1.

Non-21Vianet Product” means any Channel Partner or third-party (or third-party branded) software (online, offline, web-based, or otherwise), data, service (e.g., online, implementation, customization, or consulting), website, hardware, process, content, or product.

Online Service” means 21Vianet’s hosted and operated online services known as Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (or any successor) that 21Vianet provides under this Agreement, including any fixes, patches, error corrections, service packs, additions, version releases, and any other revisions to the Online Service, as determined by 21Vianet (which may add, change, or remove features or functions that had been available in a prior release of the Online Service).

Online Service Account ID” means the credentials that Channel Partner must use to authenticate and log into the Online Service.

Online Service Requirements” means the credentials, conditions, and criteria Channel Partner must satisfy and maintain to access or use the Online Service.  Online Service Requirements consist of: (A)  a valid channel partner agreement with 21Vianet(“Partner Agreement”); (B) validly licensed internal-use rights required for use of the applicable Dynamics Software; (C) any required technical credentials for the applicable Dynamics Software; (D) a valid Online Service Account ID; and (E) any other applicable requirements specified in the Services Portal.,

Online Services Terms” or “OST” means the then-current version of the 21Vianet Online Services Terms (or its successor) located at: /ostpt/ .

Permitted User” means any individual or entity that Channel Partner: (A) authorizes to access and use the Online Service, Dynamics Software, Channel Partner Data, or Support Data; and (B) has not deauthorized for such access and use.

Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.  An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that natural person.

Preview” means preview, beta, or other pre-release features, data center locations, software, or services offered by 21Vianet for optional evaluation.

Privacy Statement” means the 21Vianet privacy statement (or its successor) located at:  /dynamics365/d365-privacy/.

Services Portal” means the website(s) designated by 21Vianet where 21Vianet publishes Online Service information.

Support Data” means all data, including all text, sound, video, image files, or software, that are provided to 21Vianet by or on behalf of Channel Partner (or that Channel Partner authorizes 21Vianet to obtain from the Online Service or Dynamics Software) through an engagement with 21Vianet to obtain technical support for the Online Service or Dynamics Software.


2.1  Requirements.  Channel Partner must, throughout the Term, satisfy the Online Service Requirements to activate and continue to use the Online Service.  Channel Partner must cease using the Online Service if it becomes non-compliant with the Online Service Requirements.  21Vianet may periodically check compliance status and will use reasonable efforts to notify Channel Partner of noncompliance.  21Vianet may limit or suspend Channel Partner’s access to or use of, the Online Service, without notice, at any time if Channel Partner is non-compliant.  For clarity, maintaining an executory Partner Agreement (defined in Section 1) is an Online Service Requirement and a condition precedent to continuing to use the Online Service but no Partner Agreement will apply to the Online Service itself (although it may apply to Dependent Software (defined in Section 6.2)).

2.2  Contact Information.  Channel Partner will provide Channel Partner’s real identity and contact information in registering for the Online Service and promptly update that information in the Services Portal if it changes.  21Vianet will use this information to contact Channel Partner as detailed in the Privacy Statement.  Channel Partner warrants that the information Channel Partner provides is true, complete, and valid, and Channel Partner is wholly responsible for the consequences if it is not.

2.3 Workspace Management.  Channel Partner may, from time to time, use the Online Service to create a workspace (e.g., a prospective-presales project or an implementation project) with Dynamics Software for, or may be invited to an existing workspace by, a Customer.  21Vianet has no direct role in the management of any such workspace, which is solely for Channel Partner or between Channel Partner and its Customer.  Channel Partner acknowledges that if it is acting as a Permitted User to a Customer, it is subject to that Customer’s Permitted User TOU (defined in Section 2.4.1), under which it may lose access to that Customer’s workspace.

2.4  Permitted Users.  Channel Partner will authorize Permitted Users to access and use the Online Service and, as applicable, the Dynamics Software.  Channel Partner may add Permitted Users to, or remove them from, the Online Service and, as applicable, the Dynamics Software, if the Online Service or Dynamics Software allows.

2.4.1 Non-21Vianet.  Channel Partner may require non-21Vianet Permitted Users to agree to terms applicable to their access to and use of workspaces Channel Partner creates, or any Channel Partner Data or Support Data it makes available, in the Online Service (“Permitted User TOU”).  Any Permitted User TOU will require Permitted User to agree at least that: (A) the Permitted User TOU is solely between Channel Partner and Permitted User, and 21Vianet is not liable in any way under the Permitted User TOU or for the acts or omissions of Channel Partner, Permitted User, or any third-party agent of either; and (B) any dispute arising out of or related to the Permitted User TOU, or the Permitted User’s use of any workspaces in the Online Service, is solely between Channel Partner and Permitted User.  21Vianet may rely on information or instructions provided by any non-21Vianet Permitted User.

2.4.2 21Vianet.  Channel Partner is deemed to have granted any 21Vianet Permitted User a license to access and use Channel Partner’s Online Service workspaces, Channel Partner Data, and Support Data.  If Channel Partner requires 21Vianet to agree to a Permitted User TOU to gain access to or use Channel Partner’s Online Service workspaces, Channel Partner Data, or Support Data, the Permitted User TOU is deemed rejected by, and will not apply to, 21Vianet, even if any 21Vianet personnel purports to accept it.

2.5  Previews.  21Vianet may provide Previews.  If Channel Partner uses (or tries to use) a Preview, the terms in this Section 2.5 will apply.  21Vianet will mark Previews as “beta”, “pre-release”, “preview”, or with a similar designation.  Previews are provided solely as a convenience and, unless otherwise expressly set forth by 21Vianet in a separate signed writing, are not for use in a production or “live operating” environment.  21Vianet is not liable for any breach or loss if Channel Partner uses any Preview in a production or “live operating” environment.  21Vianet may change or discontinue Previews at any time, without notice.  Previews: (A) may have certain features that are missing or disabled; (B) may contain bugs or other errors that could cause them not to function correctly; (C) employ lesser or different privacy and security measures than those typically present in a commercial version of the Online Service or any Dynamics Software; (D) are not, unless otherwise noted, subject to any service level agreement that may be applicable to a commercial version of the Online Service or any Dynamics Software; and (E) are deemed included in the Online Service and subject to the terms of this Agreement (except as otherwise stated in any separate terms that may accompany such Preview and that conflict with or supplement this Agreement, or as otherwise stated in this Agreement, including as stated in this Section 2.5).  Channel Partner is solely responsible for evaluating the Previews and any reports or output generated from them.  Channel Partner will not use Previews to process Personal Data or other data that is subject to legal or regulatory compliance requirements.  The following terms incorporated from the OST under Section 4.2 do not apply to Previews:  Processing of Personal Data, GDPR, and Data Security.

2.5.1 No Assurances.  In choosing to use a Preview, Channel Partner is not relying on 21Vianet delivering any future functions or features, or on any comments regarding the Preview or product roadmap.  21Vianet may significantly change a Preview for a final, commercial version, if any, or 21Vianet may elect not to release a commercial version.  A commercial version, if any, may be subject to this Agreement, or to a separate agreement, and may be subject to a fee even if the Preview was free of charge.

2.5.2 Support.  21Vianet is not obligated to provide technical support for Previews.  If 21Vianet provides any technical support, information for such support can be found in the Preview offer details.  Any support 21Vianet may provide for Previews is provided “as is”, “with all faults”, and without warranty.


3.1  License.  Subject to the terms of this Agreement, 21Vianet grants to Channel Partner a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable license under the necessary copyrights to access and use the Online Service during the Term.  Channel Partner may use the Online Service only in accordance with this Agreement (and any separate terms that 21Vianet may provide with any Preview).

3.2  Feedback.  21Vianet (and its licensors) may use any Feedback that Channel Partner or its Permitted Users provides, even if Channel Partner or its Permitted Users designated the Feedback as confidential.  Channel Partner will not, and it will cause its Permitted Users not to, include any Channel Partner Data,, Personal Data, or other data that is subject to legal or regulatory compliance requirements in any Feedback.  Channel Partner gives to 21Vianet (and its licensors), without charge, the right to use, share, and freely commercialize Feedback in any way and for any purpose.  Channel Partner also gives third parties, without charge, the right to use, or interface with, any 21Vianet (or its licensors’) products or services that include the Feedback.  Channel Partner represents and warrants that it owns or otherwise controls all rights to such Feedback and that no such Feedback is subject to any third-party rights.  “Feedback” means all comments, suggestions, or feedback about the Online Service, any 21Vianet software, or the Dynamics Software that Channel Partner (including its Permitted Users) provides to 21Vianet.

3.3  Acceptable Use Policy.  Channel Partner may not use the Online Service: (A) in a way prohibited by law, regulation, government order, or decree; (B) to violate the rights of others; (C) to try to gain unauthorized access to or disrupt any service, device, data, account, or network; (D) to spam or distribute malware; (E) in a way that could harm the Online Service, any 21Vianet software (including the Dynamics Software), or impair anyone else’s use of them; or (F) in any application or situation where failure of the Online Service could lead to the death or serious bodily injury of any person, or to severe physical or environmental damage.  Channel Partner will not work around any technical or functional limitations in the Online Service, any 21Vianet software, or the Dynamics Software, or in 21Vianet’s systems.  Violation of the terms in this Section 3.3 may result in suspension of the Online Service or termination of this Agreement.  21Vianet will suspend the Online Service only to the extent reasonably necessary.  Unless 21Vianet believes an immediate suspension is required, 21Vianet will provide reasonable notice before suspending Channel Partner’s access to the Online Service.

3.4  Technical Limitations.  Channel Partner will not download or otherwise remove copies of software, source code, or other content or materials from the Online Service except as explicitly authorized.  21Vianet may, in connection with the Online Service or any Dynamics Software, and in each case subject to Section 4.2, use any information or data derived or learned from Channel Partner Data or Support Data, but only if such use does not include or disclose Channel Partner Data or Support Data and no Channel Partner Data or Support Data can be reverse engineered from such use.  All rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are reserved.  21Vianet will not use Channel Partner Data or Support Data, or derive information from either, for advertising or similar commercial purposes without Channel Partner’s permission.

3.5  Confidentiality.  Each party will: (A) protect the other party’s Confidential Information shared under this Agreement from unauthorized dissemination with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own like information, but never less than reasonable care; (B) use the other party’s Confidential Information solely as necessary to perform under this Agreement; and (C) not disclose the other party’s Confidential Information to any third party without such other party’s prior written permission in each case.  Confidential Information may, however, be disclosed in accordance with a judicial or other governmental order, if the party complying with such order either gives reasonable notice of such disclosure to allow the other party a reasonable opportunity to seek a protective order or equivalent; or obtains legally binding assurance from the applicable judicial or governmental entity that it will afford the Confidential Information the level of protection available in the same manner it protects the confidentiality of its proprietary and confidential information of like kind under applicable law, or otherwise as may be required by law.  Confidential Information may also be disclosed to the receiving party’s personnel (who are bound by written confidentiality obligations not less restrictive than those of this Agreement) and its Affiliates, in each case solely to the extent such personnel or Affiliates reasonably need to know such Confidential Information for proper performance of this Agreement.  The confidentiality obligation in this Section 3.5 applies for (x) Channel Partner Data, and Support Data until it is deleted from the Online Service; (y) Previews unless and until they are made publicly available; and (z) all other Confidential Information, for a period of five (5) years after a party receives the Confidential Information. “Confidential Information” means nonpublic information that the disclosing party designates as being confidential, or that, under the circumstances surrounding disclosure, ought to be treated as confidential; Previews are deemed 21Vianet’s Confidential Information; and Channel Partner Data, Support Data, and the terms of 21Vianet agreements are also Confidential Information.  Confidential Information does not include information that (1) becomes publicly available without a breach of a confidentiality obligation; (2) the receiving party received lawfully from another source without a confidentiality obligation; (3) is independently developed; or (4) is Feedback.

3.6  Downtime.  21Vianet may schedule interruptions to the Online Service for upgrades, updates, or other maintenance (“Scheduled Downtime”).  21Vianet will make commercially reasonable efforts to notify Channel Partner of Scheduled Downtime in advance.  Channel Partner may not be able to access or use the Online Service, any Dynamics Software, or any Non-21Vianet Product during Scheduled Downtime; such lack of access is deemed not to breach this Agreement.  Without limiting the foregoing, there are no service level guarantees or uptime requirements applicable to the Online Service.


4.1  Data Retention and Deletion.  During the Term, Channel Partner can access, extract, and delete Channel Partner Data stored in the Online Service.  Except for free trials and Previews and except as otherwise provided in this Section 4.1, 21Vianet will retain Channel Partner Data stored in the Online Service in a limited function account for 90 days after Channel Partner’s access to the Online Service ends so that Channel Partner may extract the data.  After the 90-day retention period ends, 21Vianet will disable Channel Partner’s account and delete the Channel Partner Data and Personal Data within an additional 90 days, unless 21Vianet is (A) permitted or required by applicable law or regulation to retain such data, (B) is authorized in this Agreement; or (C) solely to the extent that Channel Partner has multiple roles (e.g., both Channel Partner and Customer) within the Online Service and some of the Channel Partner Data or Personal Data is common to more than one such role, in which case 21Vianet will retain such common data until Channel Partner’s access to the Online Service ends as applicable to all such roles).  The Online Service may not support retention or extraction of any Non-21Vianet Product provided by Channel Partner.  For purposes of this Section 4.1, “Channel Partner’s access to the Online Service” is deemed to end as soon as Channel Partner has no executory subscription to, or executory support agreement for, any Dependent Software (defined in Section 6.2).  21Vianet has no liability for the deletion of Channel Partner Data or Personal Data as described in this Section 4.1.

4.2  Data Protection Terms.  This Agreement includes, and incorporates by reference, those portions of the OST entitled “Data Protection Terms” or otherwise expressly pertaining to data processing or protection (including the Standard Contractual Clauses and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation Terms, each as incorporated in the OST), but expressly excluding any terms specific to particular, named online services.  Solely for purposes of interpreting terms incorporated from the OST in the context of this Agreement: (A) references in such incorporated terms to “Customer” are deemed to apply to “Channel Partner”; (B) all references in such incorporated terms to “Customer Data” are deemed to mean “Channel Partner Data”; and (C) to the extent such incorporated terms reference any definitions defined both in this Agreement and the OST, the definitions in this Agreement will apply.

4.3  Data Location.  21Vianet will store Channel Partner Data only in China, except  when 21Vianet uses Microsoft Azure Email Orchestrator  to send system-generated emails that provide acknowledgement or status update of a service request to users of the Online Service.  The recipient’s email address and the email content will be stored in the United States for a limited period of time. .  Channel Partner consents to the transmission of this information.

4.4  Security Practices and Policy.  21Vianet will implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect Channel Partner Data and Personal Data.  Those measures will be set forth in a 21Vianet Online Security Policy.  21Vianet will make that policy available to Channel Partner, along with descriptions of the security controls in place for the Online Service and other information reasonably requested by Channel Partner regarding 21Vianet’s security practices and policies.  In addition, those measures will comply with the requirements set forth in ISO 27001, ISO 27002, and ISO 27018.  21Vianet will not eliminate ISO 27001, ISO 27002, or ISO 27018 unless it is no longer used in the industry and it is replaced with a successor (if any).

4.5  How to Contact 21Vianet.  If Channel Partner believes that 21Vianet is not adhering to its privacy or security commitments, Channel Partner may contact customer support on this website: /Dynamics365/.


5.1  Non-21Vianet Product.  21Vianet may make Non-21Vianet Products available to Channel Partner through Channel Partner’s use of the Online Service (such as through a store or gallery or other integration).  Channel Partner’s use of Non-21Vianet Products may be subject to the third party’s terms and conditions.  If Channel Partner installs or uses any Non-21Vianet Product with the Online Service or any Dynamics Software, Channel Partner may not do so in any way that would subject 21Vianet’s intellectual property to obligations beyond those in this Agreement.  21Vianet assumes no responsibility or liability for any Non-21Vianet Product (including any of Channel Partner’s intellectual property in any such Non-21Vianet Product).  If Channel Partner (or its Customer) installs or uses any Non-21Vianet Product with the Online Service or any Dynamics Software: (A) as between 21Vianet and Channel Partner, Channel Partner is solely responsible for such Non-21Vianet Product and will comply with all applicable policies and processes 21Vianet may implement; (B) and if Customer changes its reseller or system integrator to a third party, then: (1) Channel Partner will lose access to such Customer’s applicable workspaces, content, and any copies of Channel Partner’s Non-21Vianet Product that Channel Partner may have provided to Customer, but (2) such Customer, and its new reseller or system integrator, will have access to such Customer’s applicable workspaces, content, and any such copies of Channel Partner’s Non-21Vianet Product; and (C) effective as of when Channel Partner first made such Non-21Vianet Product available to 21Vianet and continuing until 21Vianet has deleted such Non-21Vianet Product from its systems, Channel Partner grants 21Vianet a non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully paid-up license to host, use, distribute, reproduce, and otherwise provide worldwide access to such Non-21Vianet Product.

5.2  User Agreements.  Channel Partner must have an agreement (including any license terms or privacy statement) with each of its Customers to which Channel Partner provides access to or use of any Non-21Vianet Product (and failing to do so is a material breach) through the Online Service (“User Agreement”).  The User Agreement must not: (A) make any representation or warranty on 21Vianet’s behalf, with respect to any such Non-21Vianet Product or otherwise; (B) purport to create any obligations that name or refer to 21Vianet as the party or third party obligated to fulfill or discharge any duties; (C) otherwise name or refer to 21Vianet other than as may be necessary to disclose in its privacy policy; or (D) purport to supersede, modify, or abrogate the applicable terms of use as applicable between 21Vianet and each and every such Customer.


6.1  Changes.  Except as may be otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, 21Vianet may change the Online Service or any Dynamics Software at any time, without notice.

6.2  Discontinuing.  21Vianet will provide a minimum of 12 months’ notification prior to ending support for the Online Service if no successor or service is offered, excluding free trial services or Previews.  Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything in this Agreement to the contrary, however, 21Vianet will not discontinue the Online Service solely to the extent the Online Service is necessary for Channel Partner to access or use any Dynamics Software (“Dependent Software”), at least one of Channel Partner’s Customers maintains either an executory subscription to, or an executory support agreement for, the Dependent Software, and the discontinuation would prevent such access or use.


7.1  Term.  The term of this Agreement (“Term”) begins on the earliest date when Channel Partner or its signatory agrees to be bound (“Effective Date”), as described in the first paragraph of this Agreement, and will continue until terminated.

7.2  Termination.  Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately on notice if the other party has breached this Agreement and failed to cure such breach within 30 days after notice of the breach.  Channel Partner may also terminate this Agreement, for any reason or no reason, on 60 days’ prior notice to21Vianet.  This Agreement will terminate automatically if the Online Service is discontinued in accordance with Section 6.  If this Agreement is terminated with respect to Channel Partner for any reason, it will automatically terminate with respect to all Permitted Users.

7.3  Survival.  The following sections will survive termination of this Agreement: Sections 1 (Definitions), 3.2 (Feedback), 3.5 (Confidentiality, as stated in this section), 7.3 (Survival), 8 (Warranties and Disclaimers), 9 (21Vianet’s Defense of Infringement Claims), 10 (Channel Partner’s Defense of Claims), 11 (Limitations on Liability), and 12 (General).  The terms incorporated from the OST to the extent they are intended to survive as stated in the OST.


8.1  By Channel Partner.  In addition to the warranty in the preamble of this Agreement, Channel Partner continuously represents and warrants to 21Vianet that: (A) it will not use the Online Service for any purpose or in any way that subjects 21Vianet to any obligations outside of this Agreement; (B) it has all rights necessary to grant the licenses granted under this Agreement; (C) it has or will obtain and maintain all necessary rights to Channel Partner Data, Support Data, and any other data, software, and services (including any Non-21Vianet Products and other third-party content and materials) used in connection with the Online Service; (D) 21Vianet’s use of any Channel Partner Data and Support Data, and exercise of the rights and licenses granted under this Agreement, does not and will not misappropriate or infringe the intellectual property or other proprietary rights of any third party or otherwise violate any law; and (E) Channel Partner Data and Support Data do not include state secrets or, if any Channel Partner Data or Support Data does constitute state secrets, that Channel Partner has obtained necessary approvals to disclose state secrets to 21Vianet and its Affiliates, contractors, and suppliers.

8.2  Disclaimer.  The Online Service, any Services Portal, Dynamics Software, and any technology, materials, systems, infrastructure, or information provided by 21Vianet or its suppliers in connection with the Online Service are provided “as is”, without any warranty.  21Vianet disclaims all warranties (express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, including implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, satisfactory quality, non-infringement, title, and any warranties arising out of any course of dealing or usage of trade).  These disclaimers will apply unless otherwise required by applicable law.

8.3  High-Risk Activities.  21Vianet, on behalf of itself and its suppliers, disclaims any express or implied warranty of fitness of the Online Service for high-risk activities, including operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines, or weapons systems.


9.1  Duty and Process.  Subject to Sections 9.1 and 9.2, 21Vianet will: (A) defend Channel Partner, Channel Partner’s Affiliates, and each of its or their subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents, or independent contractors against an unaffiliated third party’s claim alleging the Online Service, as provided by 21Vianet and used as licensed under this Agreement, infringes or misappropriates that third party’s intellectual property rights (“21Vianet Indemnified Claim”); and (B) pay any resulting adverse final judgment for a 21Vianet Indemnified Claim (or settlement to which 21Vianet consents).  Channel Partner will: (y) notify 21Vianet promptly of a 21Vianet Indemnified Claim and give 21Vianet sole control over the defense and settlement, although Channel Partner may participate at its own expense; and (z) provide 21Vianet with reasonable assistance to defend any 21Vianet Indemnified Claim.  21Vianet will not be responsible for any settlement made by Channel Partner without 21Vianet’s prior written permission (not unreasonably conditioned, delayed, or withheld).  21Vianet’s obligations to defend and pay a patent claim will be limited to patent claims where the Online Service alone, without combination or modification, constitutes direct or contributory infringement of the patent.

9.2  Limitations.  21Vianet’s obligations under this Section 9 will not apply to the extent a 21Vianet Indemnified Claim, adverse final judgment, or settlement is based on: (A) any Channel Partner Data, Support Data, Non-21Vianet Product, links to third party websites, or non-21Vianet content or materials; (B) Channel Partner’s use of any portion of the Online Service after 21Vianet notifies Channel Partner to stop using it due to a third-party claim, if damages would not have accrued but for the continued use; (C) Channel Partner’s combination of any portion of the Online Service with anything not provided by or on behalf of 21Vianet, to the extent the claim arises from the combination; (D) damages attributable to the value of the use of any Non-21Vianet Product; (E) Channel Partner’s use of any 21Vianet trademark(s) without 21Vianet’s express, prior, written consent; (F) Channel Partner’s use of any Preview in a production or “live operating” environment (unless otherwise expressly stated in a separate written agreement with 21Vianet); (G) Channel Partner’s use of the Online Service in a manner that violates this Agreement to the extent the claim arises from the violation; or (H) allegations that Channel Partner acquired a trade secret: (1) through improper means; (2) under circumstances giving rise to a duty to maintain its secrecy or limit its use; or (3) from any party (other than 21Vianet) who owed the third-party claimant a duty to maintain the secrecy or limit use of the trade secret.  Channel Partner will reimburse 21Vianet for any costs or damages resulting from any of the above actions.  Moreover, 21Vianet will have no obligation under this Section 9 to the extent any claim, adverse final judgment, or settlement arises out of or relates to Dynamics Software (as opposed to the Online Service); 21Vianet’s obligations to defend and settle any such claims, or to pay any such judgments or settlements, related to Dynamics Software are set forth, if at all, in the agreement under which Channel Partner was given access to, and a right to access and use, such Dynamics Software.

9.3  Specific Rights and Remedies.

9.3.1 Possible Infringement.  If 21Vianet receives information concerning a 21Vianet Indemnified Claim, 21Vianet may, at its expense, either: (A) procure for Channel Partner the right to continue using the allegedly infringing portion of the Online Service; (B) modify the allegedly infringing portion of the Online Service to make it non-infringing; or (C) replace the allegedly infringing portion of the Online Service with a non-infringing functional equivalent.  Channel Partner will immediately stop using the allegedly infringing Online Service after receiving 21Vianet’s notice.  If any other type of third party claim is brought against Channel Partner regarding 21Vianet’s intellectual property rights, Channel Partner must notify 21Vianet promptly in writing.  21Vianet may, at 21Vianet’s option, choose to treat these claims as being covered by Section 9.

9.3.2 Exclusive Remedy.  This Section 9 states Channel Partner’s exclusive remedy and 21Vianet’s sole duty regarding 21Vianet Indemnified Claims (to the extent 21Vianet does not breach this Section 9).


10.1       Duty and Process.  Channel Partner will defend 21Vianet, 21Vianet’s Affiliates, and each of its or their subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents, licensors, or independent contractors against any claim made by an unaffiliated third party (“Channel Partner Indemnified Claim”): (A) that alleges Channel Partner Data, Support Data, Channel Partner’s Non-21Vianet Products, other non-21Vianet content or materials, or Channel Partner’s (including non-21Vianet Permitted Users’) use of the Online Service (excluding only claims for which 21Vianet is obligated to defend and pay under Section 9) infringes or misappropriates that third party’s intellectual property rights; (B) that if true as alleged, reflects a breach by Channel Partner of this Agreement; (C) that relates to any dispute of any kind or nature between Channel Partner and a non-21Vianet Permitted User, whether arising under or related to a Permitted User TOU or otherwise; (D) that relates to Channel Partner’s use of a Preview in a production or “live operating” environment; (E) that arises out of or relates to Channel Partner’s Non-21Vianet Product, including any product liability claims; or (F) for which 21Vianet’s liability would have been reduced had Channel Partner effectively bound the applicable Customer to a Permitted User TOU under Section 2.4.1.  Channel Partner will also pay any resulting adverse final judgment for a Channel Partner Indemnified Claim (or settlement to which Channel Partner consents).  21Vianet will notify Channel Partner of a Channel Partner Indemnified Claim and give Channel Partner, through competent counsel chosen by Channel Partner (in consultation with 21Vianet), control over defense and settlement, although 21Vianet may participate at its own expense.  Channel Partner will not, without 21Vianet’s express, prior, written consent (not unreasonably conditioned, delayed, or withheld), acquiesce to any judgment or enter into any settlement that adversely affects 21Vianet’s rights or interests or obligates 21Vianet to pay any sums not fully paid by Channel Partner, at the time of settlement, under this Section 10.1.  Channel Partner will not stipulate, admit, or acknowledge any fault or liability on 21Vianet’s part without 21Vianet’s express, prior, written permission.  Channel Partner will not be responsible for any settlement made by 21Vianet without Channel Partner’s written permission (not unreasonably conditioned, delayed, or withheld).  21Vianet will also provide Channel Partner with reasonable assistance to defend any Channel Partner Indemnified Claim, at Channel Partner’s reasonable request and expense.

10.2       Exclusive Remedy.  This Section 10 states 21Vianet’s exclusive remedy and Channel Partner’s sole duty regarding any Channel Partner Indemnified Claim (to the extent Channel Partner does not breach this Section 10).


11.1       Liability Cap.  Subject to Section 11.3 and to the extent permitted by applicable law, each party’s total aggregate liability to the other for all claims related to this Agreement is limited to direct damages incurred in reasonable reliance, in an amount not to exceed 50 RMB.  These limitations apply whether liability is based on breach of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, breach of warranties, or any other theory.  For clarity, 21Vianet has no liability at all under any Permitted User TOU between Channel Partner and any non-21Vianet Permitted User.

11.2       Excluded Damages.  To the extent permitted by applicable law, whatever the legal basis for the claim, neither party, nor any of its Affiliates, suppliers, or contractors, will be liable for any indirect damages (including consequential, special, punitive, or incidental damages, or damages for lost profits or revenues, business interruption, or loss of business information) arising under or related to this Agreement, even if advised such damages were possible or if the possibility was reasonably foreseeable.

11.3       Applicability.  The limitations in Section 11.1 and exclusions in Section 11.2 will not apply to: (A) violation or misappropriation of the other party’s intellectual property rights; (B) duties under, or breach of, Sections 9 or 10; (C) damages attributable to a party’s or its agent’s gross negligence or willful misconduct (in jurisdictions that do not recognize a legal distinction between “gross negligence” and “negligence”, “gross negligence” means “recklessness”); (D) bodily injury or death caused by a party’s negligence or that of its employees or agents; (E) fraud; or (F) breach of obligations regarding Confidential Information (except as related to Channel Partner Data or Support Data, which are subject to the limitations in Section 11.1 and exclusions in Section 11.2).  In addition, the limitations in Section 11.1 will not apply to fees, if any, payable for the Online Service.

11.4       Comparative Fault.  Neither party nor its Affiliates will be responsible for any damages to the extent caused by the error, negligence, or fault of the other or such other’s agents or Permitted Users (although the foregoing in this Section 11.4 will not apply to insulate 21Vianet from applicable liability when 21Vianet is acting as Channel Partner’s Permitted User).

11.5       Liability for Others.  Channel Partner will be liable for any use of the Online Service, or any actions taken or omitted (including with regard to Non-21Vianet Products or other non-21Vianet content or materials, Channel Partner Data, or Support Data), by any Permitted User (other than 21Vianet) to which Channel Partner provides access to the Online Service.  Actions or failures to act of any Permitted User (other than 21Vianet) related to the Online Service (and any other acts or omissions of any Permitted User that would have breached this Agreement had Channel Partner so acted or failed to act) will be imputed to Channel Partner.  21Vianet is not liable in any way for harm or damages related to Channel Partner’s (or its non-21Vianet Permitted Users) interactions with third parties, third-party websites, or any third party acting on Channel Partner’s behalf.

Section 12. GENERAL.

12.1       Agreement Changes.  21Vianet may periodically change this Agreement.  When changes are made, 21Vianet will notify Channel Partner (in accordance with Section 12.14 or via other commercially reasonable means) and will post a new version of the applicable document on the Service Portal, which will include all changes and a new “Last Revised” date.  If Channel Partner does not agree to a change, it must cancel or stop using the Online Service.  By continuing to access or use the Online Service after a change is posted, Channel Partner is bound by the change and this Agreement.

12.2       Availability.  21Vianet makes no representation that the Online Service is appropriate or available for use in all geographic locations.  If Channel Partner accesses or uses any portion of the Online Service from outside a country for which the Online Service was intended, Channel Partner does so at its own risk and is solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws.

12.3       Applicable Law.  The 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and its related instruments will not apply to this Agreement.  The Online Service, 21Vianet software, and Dynamics Software are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights laws and international treaties.  The laws of the People’s Republic of China apply to this Agreement.

12.4       Venue and Jurisdiction.  Any action or dispute related to this Agreement will be decided by binding arbitration.  The arbitration will be at the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Beijing (“CIETAC”) according to its then current rules.  This Section 12.4 does not prevent either party from seeking injunctive relief for violation of intellectual property rights or confidentiality obligations in any appropriate jurisdiction.

12.5       Disputes.  Before either party (or any of its personnel) files a claim in accordance with Section 12.4, it will provide 60 days’ prior written notice to the other and, within such 60-day period (or longer, if extended by the parties’ mutual agreement), the parties’ authorized representatives will work in good faith to resolve the dispute.

12.6       Attorneys’ Fees.  In any dispute related to this Agreement, the prevailing party, including on any appeal, will be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses.

12.7       Severability.  If any part of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable, it will be deemed replaced by an enforceable section that matches the intent of the original language as closely as possible.  The rest of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect.

12.8       Assignment.  21Vianet may assign this Agreement, in whole or part, at any time without notice, including to a non-21Vianet entity.  Channel Partner may not assign this Agreement, or any rights or duties under it, without 21Vianet’s prior, written consent.  Any attempted assignment by Channel Partner without such consent is void.

12.9       Third Party Beneficiaries.  There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

12.10     Relationship.  The parties are independent contractors.  Channel Partner will not represent itself as a representative, agent, or employee of 21Vianet.  This Agreement does not create a joint venture, partnership, agency, fiduciary, or employment relationship.  21Vianet and its suppliers are independent entities, and 21Vianet is neither liable for, nor bound by, any acts of such third parties.  For avoidance of doubt, there is no partnership relationship between 21Vianet and Channel Partner.

12.11     Compliance with Law. 21Vianet will comply with all laws and regulations applicable to its provision of the Online Service, including security breach notification laws.  21Vianet is not, however, responsible for compliance with any laws or regulations applicable to Channel Partner or Channel Partner’s industry that are not generally applicable to information technology service providers.  21Vianet does not determine whether Channel Partner Data or Support Data includes information subject to any specific law or regulation.

Channel Partner will comply with all laws and regulations applicable to Channel Partner Data, its use of Online Service, including all domestic and international export laws and regulations that apply to any software, which include restrictions on destinations, end users, and end use.  Channel Partner is responsible for implementing and maintaining privacy protections and security measures for components that Channel Partner provides or controls, and for determining whether the Online Service is appropriate for storage and processing of information subject to any specific law or regulation.  Channel Partner is responsible for responding to any request from a third party regarding Channel Partner’s use of the Online Service, such as a request to take down content under applicable law and regulation.

In addition to the foregoing in this Section 12.11, Channel Partner acknowledges that under Chinese regulations:

An Internet information service provider shall not produce, reproduce, publish or disseminate information that includes the following content (“Prohibited Content”).  Prohibited Content is content that:

  1. is against the basic principles determined by the Constitution of China;
  2. impairs national security, divulges State secrets, subverts State sovereignty or jeopardizes national unity;
  3. damages the reputation and interests of the State;
  4. incites ethnic hostilities and ethnic discrimination or jeopardizes unity among ethnic groups;
  5. damages State religious policies or that advocates sects or feudal superstitions;
  6. disseminates rumors, disrupts the social order or damages social stability;
  7. disseminates obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, homicide and terror, or that incites crime;
  8. insults or slanders others or that infringes their lawful rights and interest; and
  9. is otherwise prohibited by laws or administrative regulations.

If an Internet information service provider discovers that information distributed on its website falls within the scope of the Prohibited Content, it will promptly terminate the distribution, keep relevant records, and report to the relevant authorities.

Channel Partner further agrees:

  • If the business or organization Channel Partner operates by using the Online Service is subject to permit or approval by related governmental authorities, Channel Partner will obtain such related permit or approval, including without limitation:
    • if Channel Partner’s website provides non-operational Internet information services, Channel Partner will make the filing for the non-operational website with the governmental authority;
    • if Channel Partner’s website provides operational Internet information services, Channel Partner will obtain the VAT permit for an operational website from the governmental authority; and
    • If Channel Partner is an Internet information service provider using the Online Service, Channel Partner will keep records of the information provided, time of publishing and the Internet address of the domain name, and assist in providing such information when inquired by related government authorities in accordance with applicable laws.

12.12     Support.  21Vianet supports the Online Service, but 21Vianet does not provide support for any Non-21Vianet Product, or for the Online Service accessed or used from outside a country for which it was intended.  If you need to contact 21Vianet about the Online Service, visit /Dynamics365/.

12.13     Waiver.  A waiver of any breach of this Agreement is not a waiver of any other breach.  Any waiver must be in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the waiving party.

12.14     Notices.  Except as otherwise provided under Section 4.4, notices made under this Agreement will be provided as follows:

12.14.1    To Channel Partner.  Except as otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, 21Vianet’s notices that relate generally to the Online Service will be posted on the Services Portal or other designated location.  21Vianet’s notices specifically to Channel Partner (e.g., notices of breach, suspension, or discontinuation) will be provided to Channel Partner by email to the address 21Vianet received during Channel Partner’s signup for the Online Service or any updated email address that 21Vianet received under Section 2.2.  Channel Partner will be deemed to have received any email sent to any such email address when 21Vianet sends the email, whether Channel Partner received the email or not.

12.14.2    To 21Vianet.  All notices to 21Vianet related to this Agreement: (A) must be in writing (excluding email), sent to the address immediately below; and (B) will be deemed given when received by the 21Vianet recipient below.  Communications in the ordinary course of using the Online Service (which do not include notices related to breach or claims) may be sent via: /Dynamics365/ .

Shanghai Blue Cloud Technology Co., Ltd


12-14F, Building 6, No.6 Jiuxianqiao Road, Beijing Electronics Zone, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100015, China

北京市朝陽區(qū)酒仙橋6号電子城(chéng)國際電子總部6号樓 12-14層 郵編:100015

Attn:  Shanghai Blue Cloud Technology Co., Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Beijing 21Vianet Broadband Data Center Co., Ltd.

21Vianet will respond to Channel Partner within 30 days after the verification of Channel Partner’s identity.


12.15     Interpretation.  This Agreement will be interpreted according to its plain meaning without presuming it should favor either party.  Unless stated or context requires otherwise: (A) all internal references are to this Agreement and its parties; (B) all monetary amounts are expressed and, if applicable, payable, in Renminbi (“RMB”); (C) “days” means calendar days; (D) “may” means that the applicable party has a right, but not a concomitant duty; (E) “partner,” if used in this Agreement or related documents, is used in its common, marketing sense and does not imply a partnership; (F) “notify” means to give notice under (and “notice” means a notice that complies with) Section 12.16, as applicable; (G) “current” or “currently” means “as of the Effective Date” but “then-current” means the present time when the applicable right is exercised or performance rendered or measured; (H) URLs are understood to also refer to successors, localizations, and information or resources linked from within websites at such URLs; (I) lists of examples following “including”, “e.g.”, “such as”, “excludes”, “for example”, or similar words are deemed to include “without limitation”; and (J) the word “or” is deemed to be an inclusive “or”; and (K) a party’s choices under this Agreement are in its sole discretion.

12.16     Font Components.  While Channel Partner uses the Online Service or Dynamics Software, Channel Partner may use the fonts installed by the Online Service or Dynamics Software to display and print content.  Channel Partner may only embed fonts in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions in the fonts and temporarily download them to a printer or other output device to print content.

12.17     Non-Exclusive.  This Agreement is non-exclusive.  Channel Partner is free to license, use, recommend, or support Non-21Vianet Products.

12.18     Entire Agreement.  This Agreement (including the incorporated portions of the OST) is the entire agreement between Channel Partner and 21Vianet with respect to the Online Service and it supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals (electronic, oral, or written) between Channel Partner and 21Vianet regarding its subject matter.

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Terms applicable to Customers



Last Revised: April 2019

This Online Service Agreement (“Agreement”) is a contract between Customer (defined in Section 1) and Shanghai Blue Cloud Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Beijing 21Vianet Broadband Data Center Co., Ltd. (“21Vianet”).  By indicating acceptance in the Online Service’s user interface or by registering for, activating, or using the Online Service (defined in Section 1), you (the individual accepting this Agreement on Customer’s behalf) enter into this Agreement on Customer’s behalf and you represent and warrant you are authorized to do so and to bind Customer to it.  By registering for, activating, or using the Online Service, Customer is ratifying this acceptance.  Customer may not use the Online Service if it does not agree to this Agreement.  Whenever accessing or using the Online Service, Customer will comply with this Agreement.


Affiliate” means any legal entity that owns, is owned by, or that is under its common ownership with a party.  “Ownership” means, for purposes of this definition, control of more than a 50% interest.

Channel Partner” means the legal entity that (A) is a systems integrator that has signed an agreement with 21Vianet authorizing that entity to market the Online Service and distribute licenses or subscriptions for any Dynamics Software; or (B) is an independent software vendor that has signed an agreement with 21Vianet inviting such software vendor to develop software or services for any Dynamics Software.

China” means the People’s Republic of China, excluding Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan.

Customer” means any legal entity that acquires a license, subscription, or other right to use Dynamics Software for its own use and not to resell, redistribute, use for commercial hosting, or other similar purposes.

Customer Data” means all data, including all text, sound, video, or image files, and software, that are provided to 21Vianet by, or on behalf of, Customer through use of the Online Service.  Customer Data does not include Support Data.

Dynamics Software” means any Microsoft Dynamics technology that 21Vianet makes generally available separately as a web-based 21Vianet hosted and operated cloud service for deployment using the Online Service.  Dynamics Software excludes the Online Service.

Effective Date” is defined in Section 7.1.

Non-21Vianet Product” means any third-party (or third-party branded) software (online, offline, web-based, or otherwise), data, service (e.g., online, implementation, customization, or consulting), website, hardware, process, content, or product.

Online Service” means 21Vianet’s hosted and operated online services known as Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (or any successor) that 21Vianet provides under this Agreement, including any fixes, patches, error corrections, service packs, additions, version releases, and any other revisions to the Online Service, as determined by 21Vianet (which may add, change, or remove features or functions that had been available in a prior release of the Online Service).

Online Service Account ID” means the credentials that Customer must use to authenticate and log into the Online Service.

Online Service Requirements” means the credentials, conditions, and criteria Customer must satisfy and maintain to access or use the Online Service.  Online Service Requirements consist of: (A) a valid customer agreement with 21Vianet (e.g., Online Services Premium Agreement) (“Customer Agreement”); (B) validly licensed internal-use rights required for use of the applicable Dynamics Software; (C) a valid Online Service account ID; and (D) any other applicable requirements specified in the Services Portal.

Online Services Terms” or “OST” means the then-current version of the 21Vianet Online Services Terms (or its successor) located at: /ostpt/.

Permitted User” means any individual or entity that Customer: (A) authorizes to access and use the Online Service, Dynamics Software, Customer Data, or Support Data; and (B) has not deauthorized for such access and use.

Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.  An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that natural person.

Preview” means preview, beta, or other pre-release features, data center locations, software or services offered by 21Vianet for optional evaluation.

Privacy Statement” means the 21Vianet privacy statement (or its successor) located at:  /dynamics365/d365-privacy/.

Services Portal” means the website(s) designated by 21Vianet where 21Vianet publishes Online Service information.

Support Data” means all data, including all text, sound, video, image files, or software, that are provided to 21Vianet by or on behalf of Customer (or that Customer authorizes 21Vianet to obtain from the Online Service or Dynamics Software) through an engagement with 21Vianet to obtain technical support for the Online Service or Dynamics Software.


2.1  Requirements.  Customer must, throughout the Term, satisfy the Online Service Requirements to activate and continue to use the Online Service.  Customer must cease using the Online Service if it becomes non-compliant with the Online Service Requirements.  21Vianet may periodically check compliance status and will use reasonable efforts to notify Customer of noncompliance.  21Vianet may limit or suspend Customer’s access to or use of the Online Service, without notice, at any time if Customer is non-compliant.  For clarity, maintaining an executory Customer Agreement (defined in Section 1) is an Online Service Requirement and a condition precedent to continuing to use the Online Service but no Customer Agreement will apply to the Online Service itself (although it may apply to Dependent Software (defined in Section 6.2)).

2.2  Contact Information.  Customer will provide Customer’s real identity and contact information in registering for the Online Service and promptly update that information in the Service Portal if it changes.  21Vianet will use this information to contact Customer as detailed in the Privacy Statement.  Customer warrants that the information Customer provides is true, complete, and valid, and Customer is wholly responsible for the consequences if it is not.

2.3  Workspace Management.  Customer may, from time to time, use the Online Service to create a workspace (e.g., an implementation project) with Dynamics Software for, or may be invited to an existing workspace by, a Channel Partner or other third party.  21Vianet has no direct role in the management of any such workspace, which is solely for Customer or between Customer and its Channel Partner or such other third party.  Customer acknowledges that if it is acting as a Permitted User to a Channel Partner or other third party, it is subject to that Channel Partner’s or other third party’s Permitted User TOU (defined in Section 2.5.1), under which it may lose access to that workspace.

2.4  Permitted Users.  Customer will authorize Permitted Users to access and use the Online Service and, as applicable, the Dynamics Software.  Customer may add Permitted Users to, or remove them from, the Online Service and, as applicable, the Dynamics Software, if the Online Service or Dynamics Software allows.

2.4.1 Non-21Vianet.  Customer may require non-21Vianet Permitted Users to agree to terms applicable to their access to and use of workspaces Customer creates, or any Customer Data or Support Data it makes available, in the Online Service (“Permitted User TOU”).  Any Permitted User TOU will require Permitted User to agree at least that: (A) the Permitted User TOU is solely between Customer and Permitted User, and 21Vianet is not liable in any way under the Permitted User TOU or for the acts or omissions of Customer, Permitted User, or any third-party agent of either; and (B) any dispute arising out of or related to the Permitted User TOU, or the Permitted User’s use of any workspaces in the Online Service, is solely between Customer and Permitted User.  21Vianet may rely on information or instructions provided by any non-21Vianet Permitted User.

2.4.2 21Vianet.  Customer is deemed to have granted any 21Vianet Permitted User a license to access and use Customer’s Online Service workspaces, Customer Data, and Support Data.  If Customer requires 21Vianet to agree to a Permitted User TOU to gain access to or use Customer’s Online Service workspaces, Customer Data, or Support Data, the Permitted User TOU is deemed rejected by, and will not apply to, 21Vianet, even if any 21Vianet personnel purports to accept it.

2.5  Previews.  21Vianet may provide Previews.  If Customer uses (or tries to use) a Preview, the terms in this Section 2.5 will apply.  21Vianet will mark Previews as “beta”, “pre-release”, “preview”, or with a similar designation.  Previews are provided solely as a convenience and, unless otherwise expressly set forth by 21Vianet in a separate signed writing, are not for use in a production or “live operating” environment.  21Vianet is not liable for any breach or loss if Customer uses any Preview in a production or “live operating” environment.  21Vianet may change or discontinue Previews at any time, without notice.  Previews: (A) may have certain features that are missing or disabled; (B) may contain bugs or other errors that could cause them not to function correctly; (C) employ lesser or different privacy and security measures than those typically present in a commercial version of the Online Service or any Dynamics Software; (D) are not, unless otherwise noted, subject to any service level agreement that may be applicable to a commercial version of the Online Service or any Dynamics Software; and (E) are deemed included in the Online Service and subject to the terms of this Agreement (except as otherwise stated in any separate terms that may accompany such Preview and that conflict with or supplement this Agreement, or as otherwise stated in this Agreement, including as stated in this Section 2.5).  Customer is solely responsible for evaluating the Previews and any reports or output generated from them.  Customer will not use Previews to process Personal Data or other data that is subject to legal or regulatory compliance requirements.  The following terms incorporated from the OST under Section 4.2 do not apply to Previews:  Processing of Personal Data, GDPR, and Data Security.

2.5.1 No Assurances.  In choosing to use a Preview, Customer is not relying on 21Vianet delivering any future functions or features, or on any comments regarding the Preview or product roadmap.  21Vianet may significantly change a Preview for a final, commercial version, if any, or 21Vianet may elect not to release a commercial version.  A commercial version, if any, may be subject to this Agreement, or to a separate agreement, and may be subject to a fee even if the Preview was free of charge.

2.5.2 Support.  21Vianet is not obligated to provide technical support for Previews.  If 21Vianet provides any technical support, information for such support can be found in the Preview offer details.  Any support 21Vianet may provide for Previews is provided “as is”, “with all faults”, and without warranty.


3.1  License.  Subject to the terms of this Agreement, 21Vianet grants to Customer a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable license under the necessary copyrights to access and use the Online Service during the Term.  Customer may use the Online Service only in accordance with this Agreement (and any separate terms that 21Vianet may provide with any Preview).

3.2  Feedback.  21Vianet may use any Feedback that Customer or its Permitted Users provides, even if Customer or its Permitted Users designated the Feedback as confidential.  Customer will not, and it will cause its Permitted Users not to, include any Customer Data, Personal Data, or other data that is subject to legal or regulatory compliance requirements in any Feedback.  Customer gives to 21Vianet, without charge, the right to use, share, and freely commercialize Feedback in any way and for any purpose.  Customer also gives third parties, without charge, the right to use, or interface with, any 21Vianet products or services that include the Feedback.  Customer represents and warrants that it owns or otherwise controls all rights to such Feedback and that no such Feedback is subject to any third-party rights.  “Feedback” means all comments, suggestions, or feedback about the Online Service or 21Vianet software (including the Dynamics Software) that Customer (including its Permitted Users) provides to 21Vianet.

3.3  Acceptable Use Policy.  Customer may not use the Online Service: (A) in a way prohibited by law, regulation, government order, or decree; (B) to violate the rights of others; (C) to try to gain unauthorized access to or disrupt any service, device, data, account, or network; (D) to spam or distribute malware; (E) in a way that could harm the Online Service, any 21Vianet software (including the Dynamics Software), or impair anyone else’s use of them; or (F) in any application or situation where failure of the Online Service could lead to the death or serious bodily injury of any person, or to severe physical or environmental damage.  Customer will not work around any technical or functional limitations in the Online Service, 21Vianet software (including the Dynamics Software), or in 21Vianet’s systems.  Violation of the terms in this Section 3.3 may result in suspension of the Online Service or termination of this Agreement.  21Vianet will suspend the Online Service only to the extent reasonably necessary.  Unless 21Vianet believes an immediate suspension is required, 21Vianet will provide reasonable notice before suspending Customer’s access to the Online Service.

3.4  Technical Limitations.  Customer will not download or otherwise remove copies of software, source code, or other content or materials from the Online Service except as explicitly authorized.  21Vianet may, in connection with the Online Service or any Dynamics Software, and in each case subject to Section 4.2, use any information or data derived or learned from Customer Data or Support Data, but only if such use does not include or disclose Customer Data or Support Data and no Customer Data or Support Data can be reverse engineered from such use.  All rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are reserved.  21Vianet will not use Customer Data or Support Data, or derive information from either, for advertising or similar commercial purposes without Customer’s permission.

3.5  Confidentiality.  Each party will: (A) protect the other party’s Confidential Information shared under this Agreement from unauthorized dissemination with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own like information, but never less than reasonable care; (B) use the other party’s Confidential Information solely as necessary to perform under this Agreement; and (C) not disclose the other party’s Confidential Information to any third party without such other party’s prior written permission in each case.  Confidential Information may, however, be disclosed in accordance with a judicial or other governmental order, if the party complying with such order either gives reasonable notice of such disclosure to allow the other party a reasonable opportunity to seek a protective order or equivalent; or obtains legally binding assurance from the applicable judicial or governmental entity that it will afford the Confidential Information the level of protection available in the same manner it protects the confidentiality of its proprietary and confidential information of like kind under applicable law, or otherwise as may be required by law.  Confidential Information may also be disclosed to the receiving party’s personnel (who are bound by written confidentiality obligations not less restrictive than those of this Agreement) and its Affiliates, in each case solely to the extent such personnel or Affiliates reasonably need to know such Confidential Information for proper performance of this Agreement.  The confidentiality obligation in this Section 3.5 applies for (x) Customer Data, and Support Data until it is deleted from the Online Service; (y) Previews unless and until they are made publicly available; and (z) all other Confidential Information, for a period of five (5) years after a party receives the Confidential Information. “Confidential Information” means nonpublic information that the disclosing party designates as being confidential, or that, under the circumstances surrounding disclosure, ought to be treated as confidential; Previews are deemed 21Vianet’s Confidential Information; and Customer Data, Support Data, and the terms of 21Vianet agreements are also Confidential Information.  Confidential Information does not include information that (1) becomes publicly available without a breach of a confidentiality obligation; (2) the receiving party received lawfully from another source without a confidentiality obligation; (3) is independently developed; or (4) is Feedback.

3.6  Downtime.  21Vianet may schedule interruptions to the Online Service for upgrades, updates, or other maintenance (“Scheduled Downtime”).  21Vianet will make commercially reasonable efforts to notify Customer of Scheduled Downtime in advance.  Customer may not be able to access or use the Online Service, any Dynamics Software, or any Non-21Vianet Product during Scheduled Downtime; such lack of access is deemed not to breach this Agreement.  Without limiting the foregoing, there are no service level guarantees or uptime requirements applicable to the Online Service, except if, and solely to the extent, expressly stated to the contrary in the Services Portal.


4.1  Data Retention and Deletion.  During the Term, Customer can access, extract, and delete Customer Data stored in the Online Service.  Except for free trials and Previews and except as otherwise provided in this Section 4.1, 21Vianet will retain Customer Data stored in the Online Service in a limited function account for 90 days after Customer’s access to the Online Service ends so that Customer may extract the data.  After the 90-day retention period ends, 21Vianet will disable Customer’s account and delete the Customer Data and Personal Data within an additional 90 days unless 21Vianet is:  (A) permitted or required by applicable law or regulation to retain such data; (B) authorized in this Agreement; or (C) solely to the extent that, Customer has multiple roles within the Online Service and some of the Customer Data or Personal Data is common to more than one such role, in which case 21Vianet will retain such common data until Customer’s access to the Online Service ends as applicable to all such roles).  The Online Service may not support retention or extraction of any Non-21Vianet Product provided by Customer.  For purposes of this Section 4.1, “Customer’s access to the Online Service” is deemed to end as soon as Customer has no executory subscription to, or executory support agreement for, any Dependent Software (defined in Section 6.2).  21Vianet has no liability for the deletion of Customer Data or Personal Data as described in this Section 4.1.

4.2  Data Protection Terms.  This Agreement includes, and incorporates by reference, those portions of the OST entitled “Data Protection Terms” or otherwise expressly pertaining to data processing or protection (including the Standard Contractual Clauses and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation Terms, each as incorporated in the OST), but expressly excluding any terms specific to particular, named online services.  Solely for purposes of interpreting terms incorporated from the OST in the context of this Agreement,  to the extent such incorporated terms reference any definitions defined both in this Agreement and the OST, the definitions in this Agreement will apply.

4.3  Data Location.  21Vianet will store Customer Data only in China, except when 21Vianet uses Microsoft Azure Email Orchestrator to send system-generated emails that provide acknowledgement or status update of a service request to users of the Online Service.  The recipient’s email address and the email content will be stored in the United States for a limited period of time.  Customer consents to the transmission of this information.

4.4  Security Practices and Policy.  21Vianet will implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect Customer Data and Personal Data.  Those measures will be set forth in a 21Vianet Security Policy.  21Vianet will make that policy available to Customer, along with descriptions of the security controls in place for the Online Service and other information reasonably requested by Customer regarding 21Vianet security practices and policies.  In addition, those measures will comply with the requirements set forth in ISO 27001, ISO 27002, and ISO 27018.  21Vianet will not eliminate ISO 27001, ISO 27002, or ISO 27018 unless it is no longer used in the industry and it is replaced with a successor (if any).

4.5  How to Contact 21Vianet.  If Customer believes that 21Vianet is not adhering to its privacy or security commitments, Customer may contact customer support on this website: /Dynamics365/.


21Vianet may make Non-21Vianet Products available to Customer through Customer’s use of the Online Service (such as through a store or gallery or other integration).  Customer’s use of Non-21Vianet Products may be subject to the third party’s terms and conditions.  If Customer installs or uses any Non-21Vianet Product with the Online Service or any Dynamics Software, Customer may not do so in any way that would subject 21Vianet’s intellectual property to obligations beyond those in this Agreement.  21Vianet assumes no responsibility or liability for any Non-21Vianet Product (including any of Customer’s intellectual property in any such Non-21Vianet Product).  If Customer installs or uses any Non-21Vianet Product with the Online Service or any Dynamics Software: (A) as between 21Vianet and Customer, Customer is solely responsible for such Non-21Vianet Product and will comply with all applicable policies and processes 21Vianet may implement; and (B) effective as of when Customer first made such Non-21Vianet Product available to 21Vianet and continuing until 21Vianet has deleted such Non-21Vianet Product from its systems, Customer grants 21Vianet a non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully paid-up license to host, use, distribute, reproduce, and otherwise provide worldwide access to such Non-21Vianet Product.


6.1  Changes and Cancelation.  Except as may be otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, 21Vianet may change the Online Service or corresponding Dynamics Software at any time, without notice.  Customer may cancel the Online Service on 30 days’ prior notice to 21Vianet.

6.2  Discontinuing.  21Vianet will provide a minimum of 12 months’ notification prior to ending support for the Online Service if no successor or service is offered, excluding free trial services or Previews.  Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything in this Agreement to the contrary, however, 21Vianet will not discontinue the Online Service solely to the extent the Online Service is necessary for Customer to access or use any Dynamics Software (“Dependent Software”), Customer maintains either an executory subscription to, or an executory support agreement for, the Dependent Software, and the discontinuation would prevent such access or use.


7.1  Term.  The term of this Agreement (“Term”) begins on the earliest date when Customer or its signatory agrees to be bound (“Effective Date”), as described in the first paragraph of this Agreement, and will continue until terminated.

7.2  Termination.  Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately on notice if the other party has breached this Agreement and failed to cure such breach within 30 days after notice of the breach.  Customer may also terminate this Agreement, for any reason or no reason, on 60 days’ prior notice to 21Vianet.  This Agreement will terminate automatically if the Online Service is discontinued in accordance with Section 6.  If this Agreement is terminated with respect to Customer for any reason, it will automatically terminate with respect to all Permitted Users.

7.3  Survival.  The following sections will survive termination of this Agreement: Sections 1 (Definitions), 3.2 (Feedback), 3.5 (Confidentiality, as stated in this section), 7.3 (Survival), 8 (Warranties and Disclaimers), 9 (21Vianet’s Defense of Infringement Claims), 10 (Customer’s Defense of Claims), 11 (Limitations on Liability), and 12 (General).  The terms incorporated from the OST to the extent they are intended to survive as stated in the OST.


8.1  By Customer.  In addition to the warranty in the preamble of this Agreement, Customer continuously represents and warrants to 21Vianet that: (A) it will not use the Online Service for any purpose or in any way that subjects 21Vianet to any obligations outside of this Agreement; (B) it has all rights necessary to grant the licenses granted under this Agreement; (C) it has or will obtain and maintain all necessary rights to Customer Data, Support Data, and any other data, software, and services (including any Non-21Vianet Products and other third-party content and materials) used in connection with the Online Service; (D) 21Vianet’s use of any Customer Data and Support Data, and exercise of the rights and licenses granted under this Agreement, does not and will not misappropriate or infringe the intellectual property or other proprietary rights of any third party or otherwise violate any law; and (E) Customer Data and Support Data do not include state secrets or, if any Customer Data or Support Data does constitute state secrets, that Customer has obtained necessary approvals to disclose state secrets to 21Vianet and its Affiliates, contractors, and suppliers.

8.2  Disclaimer.  The Online Service, any Services Portal, Dynamics Software, and any technology, materials, systems, infrastructure, or information provided by 21Vianet or its suppliers in connection with the Online Service are provided “as is”, without any warranty.  21Vianet disclaims all warranties (express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, including implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, satisfactory quality, non-infringement, title, and any warranties arising out of any course of dealing or usage of trade).  These disclaimers will apply unless otherwise required by applicable law.

8.3  High-Risk Activities.  21Vianet, on behalf of itself and its suppliers, disclaims any express or implied warranty of fitness of the Online Service for high-risk activities, including operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines, or weapons systems.


9.1  Duty and Process.  Subject to Sections 9.1 and 9.2, 21Vianet will: (A) defend Customer, Customer’s Affiliates, and each of its or their subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents, or independent contractors against an unaffiliated third party’s claim alleging the Online Service, as provided by 21Vianet and used as licensed under this Agreement, infringes or misappropriates that third party’s intellectual property rights (“21Vianet Indemnified Claim”); and (B) pay any resulting adverse final judgment for a 21Vianet Indemnified Claim (or settlement to which 21Vianet consents).  Customer will: (y) notify 21Vianet promptly of a 21Vianet Indemnified Claim and give 21Vianet sole control over the defense and settlement, although Customer may participate at its own expense; and (z) provide 21Vianet with reasonable assistance to defend any 21Vianet Indemnified Claim.  21Vianet will not be responsible for any settlement made by Customer without 21Vianet’s prior written permission (not unreasonably conditioned, delayed, or withheld).  21Vianet’s obligations to defend and pay a patent claim will be limited to patent claims where the Online Service alone, without combination or modification, constitutes direct or contributory infringement of the patent.

9.2  Limitations.  21Vianet’s obligations under this Section 9 will not apply to the extent a 21Vianet Indemnified Claim, adverse final judgment, or settlement is based on: (A) any Customer Data, Support Data, Non-21Vianet Product, links to third party websites, or non-21Vianet content or materials; (B) Customer’s use of any portion of the Online Service after 21Vianet notifies Customer to stop using it due to a third-party claim, if damages would not have accrued but for the continued use; (C) Customer’s combination of any portion of the Online Service with anything not provided by or on behalf of 21Vianet, to the extent the claim arises from the combination; (D) damages attributable to the value of the use of any Non-21Vianet Product; (E) Customer’s use of any 21Vianet trademark(s) without 21Vianet’s express, prior, written consent; (F) Customer’s use of any Preview in a production or “live operating” environment (unless otherwise expressly stated in a separate, written agreement with 21Vianet); (G) Customer’s use of the Online Service in a manner that violates this Agreement to the extent the claim arises from the violation; or (H) allegations that Customer acquired a trade secret: (1) through improper means; (2) under circumstances giving rise to a duty to maintain its secrecy or limit its use; or (3) from any party (other than 21Vianet) who owed the third-party claimant a duty to maintain the secrecy or limit use of the trade secret.  Customer will reimburse 21Vianet for any costs or damages resulting from any of the above actions.  Moreover, 21Vianet will have no obligation under this Section 9 to the extent any claim, adverse final judgment, or settlement arises out of or relates to Dynamics Software (as opposed to the Online Service); 21Vianet’s obligations to defend and settle any such claims, or to pay any such judgments or settlements, related to Dynamics Software are set forth, if at all, in the agreement under which Customer was given access to, and a right to access and use, such Dynamics Software.

9.3  Specific Rights and Remedies.

9.3.1 Possible Infringement.  If 21Vianet receives information concerning a 21Vianet Indemnified Claim, 21Vianet may, at its expense, either: (A) procure for Customer the right to continue using the allegedly infringing portion of the Online Service; (B) modify the allegedly infringing portion of the Online Service to make it non-infringing; or (C) replace the allegedly infringing portion of the Online Service with a non-infringing functional equivalent.  Customer will immediately stop using the allegedly infringing Online Service after receiving 21Vianet’s notice.  If any other type of third party claim is brought against Customer regarding 21Vianet’s intellectual property rights, Customer must notify 21Vianet promptly in writing.  21Vianet may, at 21Vianet’s option, choose to treat these claims as being covered by Section 9.

9.3.2 Exclusive Remedy.  This Section 9 states Customer’s exclusive remedy and 21Vianet’s sole duty regarding 21Vianet Indemnified Claims (to the extent 21Vianet does not breach this Section 9).


10.1       Duty and Process.  Customer will defend 21Vianet, 21Vianet’s Affiliates, and each of its or their subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents, or independent contractors against any claim made by an unaffiliated third party (“Customer Indemnified Claim”): (A) that alleges Customer Data, Support Data, Non-21Vianet Products, other non-21Vianet content or materials, or Customer’s (including non-21Vianet Permitted Users’) use of the Online Service (excluding only claims for which 21Vianet is obligated to defend and pay under Section 9) infringes or misappropriates that third party’s intellectual property rights; (B) that if true as alleged, reflects a breach by Customer of this Agreement; (C) that relates to any dispute of any kind or nature between Customer and a non-21Vianet Permitted User, whether arising under or related to a Permitted User TOU or otherwise; (D) that relates to Customer’s use of a Preview in a production or “live operating” environment; (E) that arises out of or relates to a Non-21Vianet Product, including any product liability claims; or (F) for which 21Vianet’s liability would have been reduced had Customer effectively bound the applicable Permitted User to a Permitted User TOU under Section 2.5.1.  Customer will also pay any resulting adverse final judgment for a Customer Indemnified Claim (or settlement to which Customer consents).  21Vianet will notify Customer of a Customer Indemnified Claim and give Customer, through competent counsel chosen by Customer (in consultation with 21Vianet), control over defense and settlement, although 21Vianet may participate at its own expense.  Customer will not, without 21Vianet’s express, prior, written consent (not unreasonably conditioned, delayed, or withheld), acquiesce to any judgment or enter into any settlement that adversely affects 21Vianet’s rights or interests or obligates 21Vianet to pay any sums not fully paid by Customer, at the time of settlement, under this Section 10.1.  Customer will not stipulate, admit, or acknowledge any fault or liability on 21Vianet’s part without 21Vianet’s express, prior, written permission.  Customer will not be responsible for any settlement made by 21Vianet without Customer’s written permission (not unreasonably conditioned, delayed, or withheld).  21Vianet will also provide Customer with reasonable assistance to defend any Customer Indemnified Claim, at Customer’s reasonable request and expense.

10.2       Exclusive Remedy.  This Section 10 states 21Vianet’s exclusive remedy and Customer’s sole duty regarding any Customer Indemnified Claim (to the extent Customer does not breach this Section 10).


11.1       Liability Cap.  Subject to Section 11.3 and to the extent permitted by applicable law, each party’s total aggregate liability to the other for all claims related to this Agreement is limited to direct damages incurred in reasonable reliance, in an amount not to exceed 50 RMB.  These limitations apply whether liability is based on breach of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, breach of warranties, or any other theory.  For clarity, 21Vianet has no liability at all under any Permitted User TOU between Customer and any non-21Vianet Permitted User.

11.2       Excluded Damages.  To the extent permitted by applicable law, whatever the legal basis for the claim, neither party, nor any of its Affiliates, suppliers, or contractors, will be liable for any indirect damages (including consequential, special, punitive, or incidental damages, or damages for lost profits or revenues, business interruption, or loss of business information) arising under or related to this Agreement, even if advised such damages were possible or if the possibility was reasonably foreseeable.

11.3       Applicability.  The limitations in Section 11.1 and exclusions in Section 11.2 will not apply to: (A) violation or misappropriation of the other party’s intellectual property rights; (B) duties under, or breach of, Sections 9 or 10; (C) damages attributable to a party’s or its agent’s gross negligence or willful misconduct (in jurisdictions that do not recognize a legal distinction between “gross negligence” and “negligence”, “gross negligence” means “recklessness”); (D) bodily injury or death caused by a party’s negligence or that of its employees or agents; (E) fraud; or (F) breach of obligations regarding Confidential Information (except as related to Customer Data or Support Data, which are subject to the limitations in Section 11.1 and exclusions in Section 11.2).  In addition, the limitations in Section 11.1 will not apply to fees, if any, payable for the Online Service.

11.4       Comparative Fault.  Neither party nor its Affiliates will be responsible for any damages to the extent caused by the error, negligence, or fault of the other or such other’s agents or Permitted Users (although the foregoing in this Section 11.4 will not apply to insulate 21Vianet from applicable liability when 21Vianet is acting as Customer’s Permitted User).

11.5       Liability for Others.  Customer will be liable for any use of the Online Service, or any actions taken or omitted (including with regard to Non-21Vianet Products or other non-21Vianet content or materials, Customer Data, or Support Data), by any Permitted User (other than 21Vianet) to which Customer provides access to the Online Service.  Actions or failures to act of any Permitted User (other than 21Vianet) related to the Online Service (and any other acts or omissions of any Permitted User that would have breached this Agreement had Customer so acted or failed to act) will be imputed to Customer.  21Vianet is not liable in any way for harm or damages related to Customer’s (or its non-21Vianet Permitted Users) interactions with third parties, third-party websites, or any third party acting on Customer’s behalf.

Section 12. GENERAL.

12.1       Agreement Changes.  21Vianet may periodically change this Agreement.  When changes are made, 21Vianet will notify Customer (in accordance with Section 12.14 or via other commercially reasonable means) and will post a new version of the applicable document on the Services Portal, which will include all changes and a new “Last Revised” date.  If Customer does not agree to a change, it must cancel or stop using the Online Service.  By continuing to access or use the Online Service after a change is posted, Customer is bound by the change and this Agreement.

12.2       Availability.  21Vianet makes no representation that the Online Service is appropriate or available for use in all geographic locations.  If Customer accesses or uses any portion of the Online Service from outside a country for which the Online Service was intended, Customer does so at its own risk and is solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws.

12.3       Applicable Law.  The 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and its related instruments will not apply to this Agreement.  The Online Service, 21Vianet software, and Dynamics Software are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights laws and international treaties.  The laws of the People’s Republic of China apply to this Agreement.

12.4       Venue and Jurisdiction.  Any action or dispute related to this Agreement will be decided by binding arbitration.  The arbitration will be at the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Beijing (“CIETAC”) according to its then current rules.  This Section 12.4 does not prevent either party from seeking injunctive relief for violation of intellectual property rights or confidentiality obligations in any appropriate jurisdiction.

12.5       Disputes.  Before either party (or any of its personnel) files a claim in accordance with Section 12.4, it will provide 60 days’ prior written notice to the other and, within such 60-day period (or longer, if extended by the parties’ mutual agreement), the parties’ authorized representatives will work in good faith to resolve the dispute.

12.6       Attorneys’ Fees.  In any dispute related to this Agreement, the prevailing party, including on any appeal, will be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses.

12.7       Severability.  If any part of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable, it will be deemed replaced by an enforceable section that matches the intent of the original language as closely as possible.  The rest of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect.

12.8       Assignment.  21Vianet may assign this Agreement, in whole or part, at any time without notice, including to a non-21Vianet entity.  Customer may not assign this Agreement, or any rights or duties under it, without 21Vianet’s prior, written consent.  Any attempted assignment by Customer without such consent is void.

12.9       Third Party Beneficiaries.  There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

12.10     Relationship.  The parties are independent contractors.  Customer will not represent itself as a representative, agent, or employee of 21Vianet.  This Agreement does not create a joint venture, partnership, agency, fiduciary, or employment relationship.  21Vianet and its suppliers are independent entities, and 21Vianet is neither liable for, nor bound by, any acts of such third parties.  For avoidance of doubt, there is no partnership relationship between 21Vianet and Customer.

12.11     Compliance with Law.  21Vianet will comply with all laws and regulations applicable to its provision of the Online Service, including security breach notification laws.  21Vianet is not, however, responsible for compliance with any laws or regulations applicable to Customer or Customer’s industry that are not generally applicable to information technology service providers.  21Vianet does not determine whether Customer Data or Support Data includes information subject to any specific law or regulation.

Customer will comply with all laws and regulations applicable to Customer Data and its use of the Online Service, including all domestic and international export laws and regulations that apply to any software, which include restrictions on destinations, end users, and end use.  Customer is responsible for implementing and maintaining privacy protections and security measures for components that Customer provides or controls, and for determining whether the Online Service is appropriate for storage and processing of information subject to any specific law or regulation.  Customer is responsible for responding to any request from a third party regarding Customer’s use of the Online Service, such as a request to take down content under applicable law and regulation.

In addition to the foregoing in this Section 12.11, Customer acknowledges that under Chinese regulations:

An Internet information service provider shall not produce, reproduce, publish or disseminate information that includes the following content (“Prohibited Content”).  Prohibited Content is content that:

  1. is against the basic principles determined by the Constitution of China;
  2. impairs national security, divulges State secrets, subverts State sovereignty or jeopardizes national unity;
  3. damages the reputation and interests of the State;
  4. incites ethnic hostilities and ethnic discrimination or jeopardizes unity among ethnic groups;
  5. damages State religious policies or that advocates sects or feudal superstitions;
  6. disseminates rumors, disrupts the social order or damages social stability;
  7. disseminates obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, homicide and terror, or that incites crime;
  8. insults or slanders others or that infringes their lawful rights and interest; and
  9. is otherwise prohibited by laws or administrative regulations.

If an Internet information service provider discovers that information distributed on its website falls within the scope of the Prohibited Content, it will promptly terminate the distribution, keep relevant records, and report to the relevant authorities.

Customer further agrees:

  • If the business or organization Customer operates by using the Online Service is subject to permit or approval by related governmental authorities, Customer will obtain such related permit or approval, including without limitation:
    • if Customer’s website provides non-operational Internet information services, Customer will make the filing for the non-operational website with the governmental authority;
    • if Customer’s website provides operational Internet information services, Customer will obtain the VAT permit for an operational website from the governmental authority; and
    • If Customer is an Internet information service provider using the Online Service, Customer will keep records of the information provided, time of publishing and the Internet address of the domain name, and assist in providing such information when inquired by related government authorities in accordance with applicable laws.

12.12     Support.  21Vianet supports the Online Service, but 21Vianet does not provide support for any Non-21Vianet Product, or for the Online Service accessed or used from outside a country for which it was intended.  If you need to contact 21Vianet about the Online Service, visit /Dynamics365/.

12.13     Waiver.  A waiver of any breach of this Agreement is not a waiver of any other breach.  Any waiver must be in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the waiving party.

12.14     Notices.  Except as otherwise provided under Section 4.4, notices made under this Agreement will be provided as follows:

12.14.1 To Customer.  Except as otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, 21Vianet’s notices that relate generally to the Online Service will be posted on the Services Portal or other designated location.  21Vianet’s notices specifically to Customer (e.g., notices of breach, suspension, or discontinuation) will be provided to Customer by email to the address 21Vianet received during Customer’s signup for the Online Service or any updated email address that 21Vianet received under Section 2.2.  Customer will be deemed to have received any email sent to any such email address when 21Vianet sends the email, whether Customer received the email or not.

12.14.2 To 21Vianet.  All notices to 21Vianet related to this Agreement: (A) must be in writing (excluding email), sent to the address immediately below; and (B) will be deemed given when received by the 21Vianet recipient below.  Communications in the ordinary course of using the Online Service (which do not include notices related to breach or claims) may be sent via:  /Dynamics365/.

Shanghai Blue Cloud Technology Co., Ltd

12-14F, Building 6, No.6 Jiuxianqiao Road, Beijing Electronics Zone, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100015, China

北京市朝陽區(qū)酒仙橋6号電子城(chéng)國際電子總部6号樓 12-14層 郵編:100015

Attn:  Shanghai Blue Cloud Technology Co., Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Beijing 21Vianet Broadband Data Center Co., Ltd.

21Vianet will respond to Customer within 30 days after the verification of Customer’s identity.

12.15     Interpretation.  This Agreement will be interpreted according to its plain meaning without presuming it should favor either party.  Unless stated or context requires otherwise: (A) all internal references are to this Agreement and its parties; (B) all monetary amounts are expressed and, if applicable, payable, in Renminbi (“RMB”); (C) “days” means calendar days; (D) “may” means that the applicable party has a right, but not a concomitant duty; (E) “partner,” if used in this Agreement or related documents, is used in its common, marketing sense and does not imply a partnership; (F) “notify” means to give notice under (and “notice” means a notice that complies with) Section 12.16, as applicable; (G) “current” or “currently” means “as of the Effective Date” but “then-current” means the present time when the applicable right is exercised or performance rendered or measured; (H) URLs are understood to also refer to successors, localizations, and information or resources linked from within websites at such URLs; (I) lists of examples following “including”, “e.g.”, “such as”, “excludes”, “for example”, or similar words are deemed to include “without limitation”; and (J) the word “or” is deemed to be an inclusive “or”; and (K) a party’s choices under this Agreement are in its sole discretion.

12.16     Font Components.  While Customer uses the Online Service or any Dynamics Software, Customer may use the fonts installed by the Online Service or Dynamics Software to display and print content.  Customer may only embed fonts in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions in the fonts and temporarily download them to a printer or other output device to print content.

12.17     Non-Exclusive.  This Agreement is non-exclusive.  Customer is free to license, use, recommend, or support Non-21Vianet Products.

12.18     Entire Agreement.  This Agreement (including the incorporated portions of the OST) is the entire agreement between Customer and 21Vianet with respect to the Online Service and it supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals (electronic, oral, or written) between Customer and 21Vianet regarding its subject matter.